I just saw this and while there were a few sequences that were beautifully shot, almost everything else about this movie was just plain ugly. Especially it's obviously forced pro-Hillary Clinton message and anti-Donald Trump message. But what baffles me most is how this movie is getting positive reviews from critics. Do they actually think this movie is good in terms of quality? Or because they are all secretly Hillary Clinton supporters?
I've sat with both the producer and Director to discuss the serious side effects of multi Vaccines. In addition to this I have been serious about nutrition for 8 years. During that time I've met at least 80 people who claim their children have either died or have intense Autism or suicidal tendencies shortly after taking a vaccine.
Okay, so even assuming you've met 80 people that were 100% confirmed to have had a family member experience an adverse reaction, do you know how many people I've met that haven't? Thousands. Vaccinations rates have been over 90% for decades, or at least, they had been until maniacs like Jenny McCarthy started pretending they knew better than scientists.
Vaccine incidents are much rarer than the deaths caused by a lack of a vaccinated population.
It is not. We are just A) better at detecting it (before phychological evaluation was only done for the very obviuos cases and otherwise shunned) and B) autism definition was expanded to include a whole range of other mental disorders such as OCD and Aspergers, both of whom now count as Autism but didnt before.
------------------------------------------------ The spirit of abysmal despair
You mean, Andrew Wakefield? The same guy who falsified data that led to this bogus theory? The guy who had a financial incentive in creating this fiction? Donald Trump espoused this myth. That should be enough for everyone to realize it's bogus.
To you and every ignorant piece of garbage on this forum. I permanently lost feeling in my left leg as a result of a tetanus shot, administered without permission to me whilst on morphine. Vaccines have dangerous additives and preservatives, the effects of which are largely undocumented and supressed by the medical community and big pharma. Almost everyone I make it a point to speak to have horrendous reactions to flu-shots, some leading to hospitalisation. I am sure you get all your news from The View and think that makes you informed.
Huh... that's funny "hoppy"... but I know hundreds of people personally who have had all their shots and have no issues other than possible lethargy and such for a day or two.
"Suppressed by the medical community"? Right.
Why is it in countries that have no financial benefit to selling shots, because their systems are totally socialized - still do vaccinations?
Look, if you want to indulge in paranoid fantasies and conspiracy theories that's on you, but those of us in the real world would prefer it if children didn't die of preventable diseases.
You mean that Andrew Wakefield who went to court and WON proving that he did NOT falsify evidence at all!!! Oh, what, you didn't hear about that little fact that he has been in court and finally won. Oh no, you mean your MSM isn't telling you the truth? You mean wikipedia must be run by the same controllers because they also refuse to update this fact.
"Serious about nutrition?" - you mean you eat vegan and primarily bananas? Cool.
Country with 250 million people and you find 80 who say their kids died or were ill or developed autism... 80, out of 250 million people.
You show me a country of 250 million people and I'm sure we can find at least 80 that like to stick glass rods up their urethras, doesn't mean it's either logical, a good idea, or based on any developed form of logic.
about four months ago I stepped on a rusty nail whilst taking photos in an abandoned building.
I read the symptoms of tetanus and it was was horrendous. I can't express how thankful I was when I found out and children born after 1969 had to have a tetanus jab that protected them for life.
No parent should chance the stuff we get vaccines against. Some of it can lead you into the highest levels of pain imaginable.
You can't die from autism. It's a neurological disorder you're born with, not some disease you can catch. That's like saying someone died from dyslexia. You're either willfully ignorant about, or grossly misinformed on this topic.
This is perhaps the stupidest post I've read in a while. A parent's intuition? Are you serious or are you trolling? In what way would a parent's intuition help determine if a kid should get a vaccine or not? Anti vaxxers seem to be some of the most stupid and egotistical people in the entire world. Just because you don't understand how science work doesn't mean that you should be allowed to carry on diseases and kill others just because you have an intution about something you can't have an intuition about.
No they should not. Vaccination should be mandatory. Parents intuition is *beep* and most parents have absolutely no idea whats good for their children.
------------------------------------------------ The spirit of abysmal despair
How is is pro Clinton? I haven't seen the movie yet, nor the trailers. If there is some forced political subtext i will not see it. Is there a lot of those messages? If so what are they?
Uh, why does the fact that she is blonde make it obvious she is hilary? Blonde is a pretty damn common hair color for women. If they hired an umpa loompa to be the minister, would that automatically make him trump?
well the fact taht she keeps twitting about Black lives matter for example. (or how she said that instead of building a wall like Trump wants, we should build 16 bridges) or her talks about the refugee crisis.... I mean, i dont know
Im not a conservative, or even American for that matter. What Iam is someone with eyes and the ability to read. Clintons actions over her time on this earth prove she is right wing. Shes voted with them many times. Only once it because beneficial to her political career did she change her tune of certain issues like gay marriage.
She is not what a left leaning person should be looking for in a political leader.
It wasn't pro-Hillary. There's no doubt some movies have messages in them in regards to politics, I don't really see The Purge series as one of those, even if the last two have tried to be political. It's just an over-the-top summer action movie with some good and some not-so-good acting. If there is supposed to be some message hidden underneath everything else it wasn't conveyed very well.
The Purge series absolutely has political undertones to it. It's an over the top example of a problem that has always been in this world, where the rich rule the world and the poor suffer. If you missed the message obviously you weren't paying attention.
Thanks for the sound bite, Trump. How is the most vetted political nominee crooked? Just because the RNC keeps saying so, and now there's a nickname attached, isn't why.
She is crooked by cheating, rigging elections and selling government secrets. The amount of vetting she had would only indicate that there are many members complitic.
------------------------------------------------ The spirit of abysmal despair
I too was turned off by the political messages which implicitly endorsed Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and Moms Demand Action.
The movie's many messages were anti-capitalism (while earning lots of evil money), anti-wealthy (while making DeMonaco very wealthy), and anti-gun (while glorifying gun violence).
Yeah, I quickly noticed the liberal Hollywood hypocrisy. It was an extreme oxymoron. It's like a bank robber advertising against stealing. The anti-gun/anti-NRA propaganda depicted by extreme film screen violence and bloodshed on the level of SAW/HOSTEL was the worse. It glorified violence so much that you left the movie theater ACTUALLY wanting to own a firearm.
The female senator trying to outlaw the purge in this movie has a one-note role where she says the purge must be handled at the polls, not through violence. Only thing is once the purge is over, wouldn't violence in poor neighborhoods and mental illness still persist?
Trying to create a funny, engaging YouTube channel. If you guys check it out, hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.
Yeah I agree. I was looking forward to this flick. In the end, I was just rolling my eyes with the blatant liberal pandering...
Funny cause I a hispanic immigrant and the people who gave me a chance and benefited from the most were capitalist white people, not cause handouts but through my work... And in this movie you got the hispanic being given a chance by Bubbah....
So it did bother me that it perpetuates that rich white people are evil, the only honorable are the oppressed people working class people from the neighborhood....
Life is not so blatant white and black. There's good on both sides...
So it did bother me that it perpetuates that rich white people are evil, the only honorable are the oppressed people working class people from the neighborhood....
The two main good guy characters are white. The whole movie is literally about protecting the white character who wants to be a savior to the poor people and her strong bodyguard who is also white. Several black characters die protecting the white characters.
Can't tell if you're a troll or just blinded by your ideology.
I think you are the troll. It was obvious that 95% of the "good" characters were black and almost all of the "bad" characters were white. How did you miss this?
I think you are the troll. It was obvious that 95% of the "good" characters were black and almost all of the "bad" characters were white. How did you miss this?
Oh. So because all the heroes weren't white and all the villains weren't non-white it's propaganda? I guess Die Hard was anti-white too since all but one of he villains was white and the only good guys were a white guy and his two black friends.
Hell, even Captain America Civil War is even more anti-white since ALL of the bad guys were white and all the non-white characters were good guys.
I think you are the troll. It was obvious that 95% of the "good" characters were black and almost all of the "bad" characters were white. How did you miss this?
Sounds like you have been reading a history book then? Pick up a history book of America and tell me that 90% of the villains in history were not white...go ahead.
Quit trying to play the victim you moron.
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love the concept - and def had lots of potential.. the intro to the movie was great.. however it did not carry through.
The dialogue was terrible and was basically spoon feeding the audience every step of the way.
And yeah the ending was a complete disaster..
Establishment propaganda.. We need to vote! We need to stop this the right way! - Just vote and everything will be ok!
Complete establishment lulz..
The reality is much more darker.
Real change starts from the bottom. Revolution is change. Standing up and standing ground gets real change.. Grassroots movements is real change... Bernie Sanders is real change.
I personally thought that this movie could be funny no matter what party you follow. If you're a democrat you can laugh about how it portrays republicans. If you're a republican you can laugh over how over-the-top democrats view them. Personally, I don't like either party because, other than minor issues, they're really the same.
The whole point of the series was to show how the governments keeps the masses fighting each other so they won't turn on them. We may not be murdering in the streets, but fighting each other over which party is better is the same thing. No matter what party wins, the government is still in control, and it's ran by people who really don't care about us.
Sad that you and one other poster can accept this poorly produced action film to be satire, while others claim its pro Hillary.it's anti gun, yet every person depicted as being a good person is seen caring a gun at some point, while the big bad never holds a weapon.
It's a cheesy popcorn film, it wasn't bad, wasn't good
Love this series - and Purge 2 was my favorite.. and love the concept of 3. but somewhat of a let down.
I love the intro and narrative - def reminded me of Bernie vs trump.. but the ending.. while not exactly pro hillary... def pro establishment. very establishment ending... which is the complete opposite of any form of reality.
Also - really terrible dialogue.. took me out of the movie a bunch.
I thought having the Purge was part of the establishment in the movie. So much so that it had turned into the heads of government literally killing crackheads in a cathedral while chanting. They combined church and state into one bigass establishment, then they were voting (via est.) to get rid of that part of it, and THEN it still wasn't working, cuz of the Purge rioters at the end. America is screwed no matter what, and the filmmakers probably have enough creepy masks left over to make at least another 2 Purge movies.
There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch
By establishment I meant OUR US establishment.. as in establishment propaganda in regards to us the viewers - not in regards to the actual movie..
For example the main theme of the movie was ---
Just say calm... lets end / stop this the right way... all you have to do is vote. vote for change. and change will come.
The reality is.. thats not the case.. real change comes from grass roots movements.. people at the bottom. organizing and standing up for what they believe in... making people hear their voice..
Not ---- " oh vote for your party leader.. which was manipulated and distorted to be hillary... and everything will be fine.. just vote and everything will be fine. dont get crazy. dont think you can make change yourself. just vote - shut up. and everything will be ok..
Well, I did get a definite "Don't forget to vote" vibe. I guess you could get that from it.
What I see in the USA right now is cops unjustly shooting people, people murdering cops, school shootings, black and white people set against each other (this movie had that going on, but it was laughably stereotypical), terrorists shooting people, rainbow flags, radical "feminists", wangs in girls locker rooms, and pot still illegal as the final insult... and I've gotta say: if anyone is duped by this movie into thinking a President—no matter how idealistic and noble they may be—can fix everything, they're pretty stupid.
Our current President's campaign slogans were "hope" and "change". Well we got change, for better or worse, and now everyone's hoping that the crap that's currently hitting the fan will get better.
The movie's underground hospital was sort of a grassroots movement, but then the leaders of that were trying to assassinate the country's leaders so they could shoe their own candidate in, so they didn't totally believe in the establishment. They didn't pull a Gandhi-style peaceful protest and sit there getting shot en masse because they knew that no one cared.
The ending did show that a pro-Purge grassroots movement was beginning... it was a crime wave, but you know what they say: "Well behaved women—or in this case, citizens—rarely make history."
(I'm kind of a bitter person, none of my semi-political rant is at you personally.)
There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch
Just sad they dropped the ball so hard and resorted to basically establishment rhetoric and like you said cliches..
The theme going into this movie had great potential for some serious social and political discourse.. however they resorted to nothing but fluff and the idea - you change the system from within.. which is really. just propaganda. real change comes from pushing against that system.. not working to change it from within.. system isn't broken when it was designed or at the very least manipulated and molded to protect those at the top in the first place.
I'm rambling and its whatever.. just said the way this movie ended up... and my god the awful writing and dialogue! Repeating itself and spoon feeding us the viewers the narrative.. like constantly reminding us.. ok this is happening now... ok this is happening now. ok now this is happening because of this.. ok? are you following???
I agree that it had wasted potential. It succeeded as a heavy-handed pulp / exploitation movie that will be kind of interesting to watch in 20 years. That is, if we haven't all nuked ourselves and live in Mad Max conditions where we settle disputes civilly in the Thunderdome.
There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch