The gangs were out there Purging each other as well, along with a bunch of tourists specially coming over to kill Americans, and that psycho (black) Candy Girl who killed her parents and was going to burn down Joe's deli. The good black guys were going to kill an evil white guy so their candidate could win the election. Everybody was killing everybody. Humans are a-holes. It was like in Sin City, where everyone gets corrupted eventually.
If the establishment was old white guys, then making no one exempt from the Purge was a huge step toward equality, hahaha.
Eh, I'm just being an ass. Don't take me too seriously.
But really, I'd say the movie was more about the rich vs. the poor than whatever color people were. A black college professor isn't in the same position as a black teenage gang member on Purge night. It's just not PC to show rich black people killing poor white people, regardless of the demographics. And I didn't see an Asian the whole movie, except for maybe 1 or 2 of the tourists. Not complaining, just saying that the Purge movies aren't totally true to reality and even current politics because it was a huge mass of stereotypes.
I just wanted to see the creepy masks and decapitations and stuff because I like exploitation films. I had fun.
There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch