MovieChat Forums > A Most Violent Year (2015) Discussion > Never trusting imdb ratings again

Never trusting imdb ratings again

First Foxcatcher and now this, i only watched both because of the imdb rating and i just cannot believe its rated so high, i guess if a movie has good acting it must be AWESOME because thats all this movie had, literally NOTHING happens, just like foxcatcher aka a whole lot of nothin. I could not beleive the whole movie was about buying a piece of property, 2 hours of trying to buying a piece of propery and the movie gets a 7.5? please someone explain what was so good about this movie

a violent year and i think i saw 2 maybe 3 "violent" scenes if u even wanna call getting punched in the face violent.


Uh... I thought the movie was about a man trying to succeed without resorting to illegal means despite all the pushing factors around him (including his wife).
To each his own, I guess.


Yup that was what it was about - a refreshing movie about somebody actually trying to be successful in a tough venue (heating oil in NYC) and doing it honestly and never resorting to violence - could have been good - but the characters seemed to be filmed through gauze - just no way to connect with them. They were so remote and cool that if there was tension the characters didn't show it. A Walking Dead kinda movie. A shame.


Oh, it was very good. For me at least.
Didn't catch any gauze. Could see them pretty well.


The same thing happened to me. I found this while browsing the site and was surprised that I had never heard about it with such a high score. The plot didn't sound like typical indie crap either so I gave it a try.

My experience with this was similar to the few times I tried to read superhero comics: a complete lack of interest in the characters and anything that happens to them, followed by the realization that I'm just wasting my time, that I'm neither going to learn anything from this nor enjoy my time with it, and a couple months from now I won't even remember having watched it.




"A violent year and I think I saw 2 maybe 3 "violent" scenes"

Ha, you set your expectations of what would happen based off the title of the movie?? ...Wow man.

Were you disappointed that there wasn't even 1 captured Fox.... in Fox Catcher?

You're not a writer Fink, you're a goddamn write off



I enjoyed this and Foxcatcher I gave both 7, if you really want to waste your time watch 'Leviathan' and 'Norte, the End of History', there's 6 hours you'll never get back.



I like TOTALLY agree lol !! I'm mean like lmao!! Like their shoulda been like so many more explosions and like so many more hot guys and girls making out and stuff!! Who wants to watch like nothing but like stupid talking and stuff!they need to like make taken 4,5 6 ,7,8 and like make a new taken movie like every month!! Taken 3 was like the bomb huh? You and me have like SO much in common cyta77 BFF <3


Foxcatcher 8/10
A Most Violent Year 7/10

you guys just suffer from ADD which is okay these days, it's the norm I'm not too worried
