MovieChat Forums > A Most Violent Year (2015) Discussion > Never trusting imdb ratings again

Never trusting imdb ratings again

First Foxcatcher and now this, i only watched both because of the imdb rating and i just cannot believe its rated so high, i guess if a movie has good acting it must be AWESOME because thats all this movie had, literally NOTHING happens, just like foxcatcher aka a whole lot of nothin. I could not beleive the whole movie was about buying a piece of property, 2 hours of trying to buying a piece of propery and the movie gets a 7.5? please someone explain what was so good about this movie

a violent year and i think i saw 2 maybe 3 "violent" scenes if u even wanna call getting punched in the face violent.


Ok, I`m gonna watch this tonight, seems like there`s lots of haters. I hope they`re just the ones who "didnt get it".
Will report afterwards with the definitive opinion for the intelligent, sophisticated audience.


Mwahaha, that's hilarious. You read 'violent' in a movie title and expect it to be violent for 120 minutes? You didn't get anything. Based on that summary Taxi Driver should be a boring movie, too. Only a guy driving around in a taxi for 100 minutes, stalking a woman, talking to himself, getting a weird haircut and shooting some bad guys at the end.

What are you expecting? Movies are not all about CGI, explosions, violence, action and superheroes. Are people really unable to follow a story these days? I'll give this movie a high rating now after seeing it and reading that imbecile posting.

And I demand an IMDB deluxe for real cinephiles.



Yes it is laughable how many CGI besotted fools there are in the world. But it is also kind of depressing.

This was my favorite film from last year.



When you trust IMDb ratings, you trust the idiot masses. These are the same morons who vote liberal.

Next time do your own research and learn to read between the lines.

"Den Gleichen Gleiches, den Ungleichen Ungleiches."


You must be new here.


I agree with the title.. before i decided to give it a try, i thought this is going to be the typical unrealistic crime movie, where loads of people die which you dont even care about. (Most haters were probably expecting this kind of movie).
The rating is totally undeserved, this should at least have 7.5 for me its the best movie to come out 2015 so far... Why is it people have to see someone killed every 10 minutes to be entertained? The only way i can explain this, is that people couldn't relate to what was at stake for the main protagonist.
During the film I really couldn't say what would happen at the end, cause so many people/ things where a threat to his plans.


Christ, can anyone come up with a coherent criticism of this movie? The only complaint I ever hear is "it's boring." Why are the most ignorant people always the ones who feel the most compelled to share their *beep* opinions?


Totally agreeing with you. both movies sucked hard, this one and Foxcatcher.


It's called subtlety. Or realism.

Maybe you should stick to Michael Bay movies.


I have to say that I'm quite disappointed to the film. God dammit, I thought I was about to see good cinema but this frankly was quite boring and the film surely don't live up to the title. I like good drama and all that but this was too much even for me. I had to choose between this and "Age of Ultron" and I'm not sure did I choose right. Avengers would have been brainless but perhaps fun CGI fest but probably not so boring. I wanted to support "indie" films and non-blockbuster popcorn movies by choosing this but besides the good acting, this had nothing much into it. At least Ex Machina was awesome...
