MovieChat Forums > A Most Violent Year (2015) Discussion > Never trusting imdb ratings again

Never trusting imdb ratings again

First Foxcatcher and now this, i only watched both because of the imdb rating and i just cannot believe its rated so high, i guess if a movie has good acting it must be AWESOME because thats all this movie had, literally NOTHING happens, just like foxcatcher aka a whole lot of nothin. I could not beleive the whole movie was about buying a piece of property, 2 hours of trying to buying a piece of propery and the movie gets a 7.5? please someone explain what was so good about this movie

a violent year and i think i saw 2 maybe 3 "violent" scenes if u even wanna call getting punched in the face violent.


I wouldn't compare this with Goodfellas or Once Upon A Time In America. More like Kojak and maybe Fort Apache: The Bronx that was made in 1981. The feel of this movie, comparing with Kojak is what I like about it. But I criticize something that is a trend in recent movies. Photography as content. Here's a good shot, so let's stare at it. That part really puts me off, as well as the attraction to darkness. A good bare 70s look would have improved it completely. Though maybe it might have exposed the lack of content then. But cameras had a way of peering around in those days.
And also like a movie that was called 1968 from the 80s that didn't evoke a period very well, it's really a story about an oil company dressed up as being from a time.
And why oh why is it in 2.35:1 (or 2.40:1) widescreen, like almost everything these days?


I enjoyed both FoxCatcher and A Most Violent Year. The latter pretty much had me riveted from the start. Great tension, great acting.

If I were 20 years younger, perhaps I might find this movie boring and turn it off, but over the past few years especially, I've found that a lot of movies I couldn't stand in my youth, now totally work for me. I suspect that it is this way for most of us at some point in our lives.


yeah, you are right. Its like nothing really happen. Its just some OK movie though.



go watch the new avengers boy, this is a movie made for an adult mindset.
sorry nothing BLOWS up


there is, Julian blows his own head up to the oil tank. Anyway, I love its atmosphere, its so intense and dark.



The piece of property was so important because it was going to completely change his and his family's lives... as is shown in the conversation at the end.

This movie is a slow burner, but the acting, the theme of trying and failing to be moral in an immoral world, and the conversation at the end between him and the cop really blew me away. In my mind, this movie is underrated.
