It's not absurd at all. The ease and rapidity with which two people get pregnant varies widely. Some people get pregnant the first time they have unprotected sex (which happened to a friend of mine), while others can take several months to a year of consistent effort before achieving it even without either party having any fertility issues, while others find that they do have fertility issues and it'll take even longer & possibly even medical intervention to achieve.
And, barring tests that demonstrate you do, in fact, have fertility issues, there's no way to predict how fast it will happen.
Malnutrition and stress can both reduce fertility, as well, so although their limited food sources combined with the psychological and physical stress of being in such circumstances wouldn't necessarily prevent conception, it certainly wouldn't help, either.
That being said, pregnancy would have been a possibility from the very first time they had sex, but there's nothing strange about NOT getting pregnant in that amount of time either (approx 100 days, if I remember correctly), especially under those circumstances.
I had children early while several of my friends and family members started later, so I've gotten more than one panicked phone call from a friend who'd been trying to conceive for several months without success, wondering what was wrong with them. In all but one case, nothing was wrong with them or with their partner. It just doesn't always happen right away. Apart from the one friend who had a medical condition, the others eventually conceived. It just took a little more time for some than others.
I'm glad they didn't go there with this movie simply because I was expecting that they would, so it was a mildly refreshing surprise.