MovieChat Forums > Blue Lagoon: The Awakening (2012) Discussion > Seriously...HOW is she not pregnant?!

Seriously...HOW is she not pregnant?!

Everytime you turn around, they're having more sex on the freaking beach. HOW is this girl not 20 shades of pregnant?? And am I supposed to believe he has that many condoms tucked away in his wallet??

"...and now you want me to eat bunnies and I'm kinda freaking out, okay?!"


As I recall she vomited, he asked if she could be pregnant, she answered no very firmly -Maybe she was on her period at that time? -I agree it was strange the movie didn't share the details of why she was so sure -Usually birth control pills only come in one-month packs, don't they? & they were on the island for 3 months


I thought that was kind of odd too-I'm not sure if a teen who is not sexually active would be on the pill-although I know it is possible,as some doctors will prescribe it for other things too-and it also begs the question,if she wasn't pregnant,how did she handle her period on the island for 3 months? I highly doubt she had that many tampons in her messenger bag!! But again-we're not supposed to think about stuff like that-lol!! ;-)


I can't believe nobody's said this:

If she wasn't pregnant, her prom dress definately made her look pregnant!


I was thinking about saying it looked like a good dress to hide a prego belly. She could have been going into labor in that thing for all we know. lol


your an idiot.
you really believe that unprotected sex will allways lead to pregnancie?
you need to get an education.
not everyone gets pregnant from unprotected sex
infact they are more likely to catch an std then get pregnant


Referring to actionmanrandell's post, Perhaps you may want to have someone else review your post next time you want to call someone an idiot. Besides not being nice, you aren't making yourself look any smarter when you write a post with numerous grammatical and spelling errors. You make some good points, but readers are less likely to take you seriously. And I don't think anyone is saying she would have to have gotten pregnant, just that realistically it would have been a pretty good chance. It does sometimes happen even with just one time, so if you're having unprotected sex often over a period of months, the odds are pregnancy will occur eventually, especially with a woman under 30.



Not that it would matter can you imagine if they had been living on that island longer then three months and suddenly when they are found Dense Richards sees her daughter with a baby?



I still say if they had made this a theatrical release,as opposed to a made for tv movie,she probably would have been pregnant. The problem they had was with running time-you figure with a 2 hour tv movie,you need to allow time for commercials,which brings you down to about an hour forty,give or take;and since we needed to allow time for them to be rescued and acclimate back into society,there wasn't time for her to be pregnant. Whereas in a theatrical release,the running time would have been allowed to be longer,thereby allowing more time to elapse,and adding a possible pregnancy. And you mentioned the scene in the movie where Emma was getting rid of some of her old clothes and wearing baggier ones-I was so sure in that scene that she was getting ready to tell her sister Stacey that she WAS pregnant!! But like you said,hopefully we will have a sequel-fingers crossed with you!! :-)


EXACTLY! They could have played the malnutrition idea, but they did not. Neither seemed to lose any weight and I saw no hint of hunger after the first night when she found that snack bar and shared it with Dean. Then they seemed to find plenty of berries, bananas, coconuts, and eventually fish, indicating hunger was never a serious issue.


I'm shocked with the things you are saying!!!!!!!! How old are you???? Jeez!!
Don't you know that if the guy doesn't come inside you , you can't get pregnant???? So the explanation is........wait for it.......he pulled out before coming... ta-daaaaa!!


Oh Lord-I won't even touch that last comment...I'm sure many others will do it for me.....


Oh, so many things I could say........of course we all know that method is always 100% effective, ha ha.


Yeah..I'm not really sure if the BLTA message boards are the appropriate place to start a discussion about pre-ejaculate...hmmmm....;-p


But seriously, given the information the writers provide us, we assume she was not on birth control, and they didn't have a gross of condoms with them, I think we can assume he did not pull out. I mean, since this is not a porno and the actors were not actually having sex on screen, it is left to our imagination. And as close as they were when they both groan/moan/sigh/whatever I got the impression there was no attempt at coitus-interuptis.


What is it you won't touch about my comment? If you have something to say, say it!
And yeah, this method is not 100% effective of course , accidents happen if the guy doesn't pull out in time! But that's about it: a small possibility! The "how is she NOT pregnant" statement is absurd!!(well it's absurd and very weird to discuss if a FICTIONAL character get pregnant or not in the first place, but anyway....)


@Ariadne-87-Sorry,honestly didn't mean to offend-I just figured everyone else would jump at the opportunity to start talking about how there is sperm in pre-ejaculate-and as it only takes one sperm to make you pregnant,it is possible to conceive even if the guy pulls out before ejaculating-strangely,no one did-oh well!! :-)


Actually there is no sperm in pre-ejaculation fluids ;)


I'm sure I read that somewhere, maybe an old college health class text. But even if there is, it would pose a minuscule risk. I mean, a man is considered infertile by medical standards if his sperm count is below a certain number. It can be thousands of sperm and still be infertile. While only ONE sperm cell actually fertilizes the egg cell, millions I believe, don't make the journey intact, as even during ovulation it is a hostile environment inside a woman's reproductive organs. I believe the real risk of failure with the withdrawal method is from withdrawal occurring just a second too late, as it goes against the natural urge not to.


Now see,that goes against everything I've been taught for 30 years-lol!! But it appears you may be right-according to research now,most doctors believe there is no sperm in pre-ejaculate,and if there is,it isn't viable and strong enough to cause a pregnancy. :-)


The problem with sperm in pre-ejaculate causing pregnancy is that there is "a wall" around the ovum/egg that it takes many sperm to breakthrough. Kind of similar to the "it takes an army" statement, it really does take an army of sperm to break through the ovums protection and allow fertilization to occur.

you live, you learn, you crash, you burn


Wild. I was going to disagree with Ariadne, but looked it up and apparently I'm from the old school thought that there's sperm in pre-ejaculate. And yet, if anyone was kind of pull-out technique, it is I, as I often use that maneuver... but I also can feel myself pre-cum (sometimes), so I know I've done it inside a girl. And no issues so far.



Pre ejaculate has sperm that is able to fertilise an egg.
A guy who says he will pull out is lying.
Please dont use the pull out method as birth control.


I agree completely with Milajo
