Too Slowwww

Aside from everything else, the pace of this movie enabled me to fold laundry, brush the dog, take a shower, then ask my husband "What happened? What did I miss?" and the answer was nothing.
I'm perplexed by the high rating and the scenery only feels muggy and mosquitoey not to mention snakey.

The action does pick up in the last quarter but the story is only mildly interesting. ( it was the middle I was bored)
Some of the characters remind me too much of real life unfortunately!
Thank goodness I had a coupon code for Redbox.

"Don't be ridiculous. It's in my secret room behind the bookcase.


If you think watching a movie includes folding laundry, brushing the dog, and taking a shower, then perhaps you've never really watched a movie. Maybe you should give it a try, then again maybe I already lost your attention...did you just glance at your phone?


Obviously the OP and a few others suffer from the hyperactive disorder Xboxianoma.

Film was a peach and one I will watch again in the future.


the scenery only feels muggy and mosquitoey not to mention snakey

This really is a cute comment. You must be a lot of fun verbally, if not on camping trips.

The important thing to remember: It's a movie!
The fact that one can be immersed in realms of fantasy or foreign reality is the main point of any good art;
songs, books, movies, etc.
It's why we escape into art to begin with!

That said, it does take a bit of commitment on the part of the audience.
One should be willing to sit a bit and let art reveal itself. "Grok in the fullness" so to speak.
(A great example of this, IMO, is the Italian film 'Life Is Beautiful' It starts off a bit goofy ala Martin and Lewis but if one sticks with it, it becomes a different story in Act 2 [in the camp] and ends quite movingly, as a man literally recreates his own reality.) Like all art, it's a matter of taste. Neither 'Life Is Beautiful' nor 'Mud' will appeal to all viewers. No movie will, not even 'It's A Wonderful Life' (go figure).

But don't be too quick to dis a story you didn't take the time to learn.
Indulge yourself in the work, or go outside and play.
OR go out and play and come back with an opinion of a story you only heard second-hand. (insert snarky aside to low-info Fox News viewers/ElRushbo dittoheads HERE)

...wake me when it's over, tell me what I missed...

- As the Buddhist said to the hot dog vender, "Make me One with Everything" -


Was really looking forward to this film. I don't mind a long film such as the great "Lawrence of Arabia" or a slow film such as the mesmerizing "2001: A Space Odyssey" but Mud was frankly boring. I wasn't gripped. I didn't care about the characters. The coming-of-age crap was done much better in Stand By Me. Even one of the actors resembled a young River Phoenix. Disappointed by Mud.


I didn't care about the characters.

I tried to explain that too earlier, but people just get irritated whenever you don't agree with them and then stop listening. It could have been a lot better if they'd tightened up the screenplay a bit
Otterprods, to keep those aquatic Mustelidae in line.


Yeah don't ever say a movie was slow here on imdb. All of it's supporters will instantly assume you have ADD and would prefer transformers. As if a movie they enjoy can't be disliked by someone without some sort of external circumstance to justify their dislike.

As others, I don't mind slow movies. I can watch old ones from the early 20th century with no problem. IF its working for me, for whatever reason. This did not. Characters I don't care about, a setting that doesn't intrigue me, a plot that went nowhere, dialog that was pedestrian, a lack of visual flair, etc.

Again, movies can be slow and entertaining. This one just wasn't one of them. Now cue the obligatory 'then you must be an idiot!' from its fans in 3, 2, 1...

PS: Anyone notice how many replies put down the OP for their taste/attention span/etc? I counted 13 so far...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon


I like movies. All kinds. The one I watched before "Mud" was "Pacific Rim," so I can enjoy differently paced movies. I wouldn't expect an Oscar for "Rim" except maybe for special effects, but it was absolutely a breath-holder and kind of fun for an old Godzilla fan. As for "Mud," I agree totally with the reviewer who wondered how many outstanding parts he has to deliver before the Academy Awards come calling.

This movie moved perfectly for my taste - taking the time to build characters and background for what happened.

Only one thing I didn't get - how did Mud get that snaggle tooth and is it real or makeup?



The king has no clothes.

This movie was slow and boring.


I also found it to be really slow. But I must admit I had been watching The Purge and Now You Can See Me before this one.




Too Slowwww? May I suggest the Transformers or some other MTV style movie for low attention spans.

Got 13 Channels of $hit on the TV to Choose From


Haha all the way back in October I posted in this thread that someone would say 'go watch transformers instead!' if you called this movie slow. Way to be a cliche...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon



OMG, thought it was me! I've watched paint dry faster!! This film had so much potential, too. The acting was great, but, as the originator of this thread stated, t was very very very slow. I can't figure out how it got 7.2 IMDB stars.
