the scenery only feels muggy and mosquitoey not to mention snakey
This really is a cute comment. You must be a lot of fun verbally, if not on camping trips.
The important thing to remember:
It's a movie!The fact that one can be immersed in realms of fantasy or foreign reality is the main point of any good art;
songs, books, movies, etc.
It's why we
escape into art to begin with!
That said, it
does take a bit of commitment on the part of the audience.
One should be willing to sit a bit and let art reveal itself. "Grok in the fullness" so to speak.
(A great example of this, IMO, is the Italian film 'Life Is Beautiful' It starts off a bit goofy ala Martin and Lewis but if one sticks with it, it becomes a different story in Act 2 [in the camp] and ends quite movingly, as a man literally recreates his own reality.) Like all art, it's a matter of taste. Neither 'Life Is Beautiful' nor 'Mud' will appeal to all viewers.
No movie will, not even 'It's A Wonderful Life' (go figure).
But don't be too quick to dis a story you didn't take the time to learn.
Indulge yourself in the work, or go outside and play.
OR go out and play and come back with an opinion of a story you only heard second-hand. (
insert snarky aside to low-info Fox News viewers/ElRushbo dittoheads
...wake me when it's over, tell me what I missed...
- As the Buddhist said to the hot dog vender, "Make me One with Everything" -