Aside from everything else, the pace of this movie enabled me to fold laundry, brush the dog, take a shower, then ask my husband "What happened? What did I miss?" and the answer was nothing. I'm perplexed by the high rating and the scenery only feels muggy and mosquitoey not to mention snakey.
The action does pick up in the last quarter but the story is only mildly interesting. ( it was the middle I was bored) Some of the characters remind me too much of real life unfortunately! Thank goodness I had a coupon code for Redbox.
"Don't be ridiculous. It's in my secret room behind the bookcase.
Only watching half a film and asking why it has a high rating. Should actually give things a proper go before asking things like that. It's not an action movie so it's like there is going to be action throughout the movie. I guess you had different expectations for what it was going to be which is fine, not all movies are for all people.
I watched the whole movie and it was quite easily one of the worst experiences of my life! Not sure how or why people liked this, but I should look into buying drugs from them!
Sorry, I've got none to sell you. But if I ever score passes to a superhero or Hobbit movie, I'll be sure to pass 'em along, for those have been among some of the most "I don't get it" experiences of my own life.
I have my own glass house called Slapstick Comedy, so I don't generally throw anything harder than a kitchen sponge (or banana peel...) when it comes to other people's tastes. The interesting thing to me about comments that Mud was too slow is that the pace is what I loved about this movie. I thought it took just the right amount of time with just about every scene and every character. I loved the way it looked, too. Maybe it's just my small-town upbringing in a river town, but I could *feel* the atmosphere in the scenes, especially the ones where Ellis was riding around in the back of his dad's pickup. So, it's likely it's that personal connection that made me enjoy it so much. Plus, I thought the casting was so good all around.
I watched it from beginning to end and also found it terribly slow. While I think the actors delivered great performances, the plot was simple and left me scratching my head. Why people love this movie so much is beyond me.
I find that when a viewer refers to a film as "slow" or "boring," it's more of a reflection on her than it is on the film.
The film was not slow. It moved at a leisurely pace, yes. But it wasn't slow. Perhaps you'd be comfortable with this new trend of fast cuts and a camera that's always moving ("GI Joe: Retaliation" comes to mind).
While it took its time, there was not one single scene that was unnecessary. The acting was fantastic. This is some of the best kid work I've seen since "Stand By Me." These kids were real. This is how kids act.
Writer/director Jeff Nichols also has a fantastic ear for dialogue. It's organic and natural. I found the cadence of the words to be musical (especially when Mud was speaking). Mud's character is revealed not by what he says, but the phrasing he uses. This is the mark of a talented screenwriter.
And I think this is the best I've ever seen Michael Shannon (and this guy does some great work).
Plus it was filmed beautifully, and the soundtrack worked well.
The reason the film is ranked so high is because it's well-made, deliberate, and thoughtful. We don't have enough of these movies.
Probably because today's audience think they're too "slow."
I knew this was a drama going in so I didn't think it was slow because dramas are usually meant to be paced this way. However, while I think the film was good it certainly wasn't great. I would give it 2/4 stars...nice...nice...not thrilling, but nice.
---------------------------------------- "Live every week like it's Shark Week."
It is a great film with a great story, great directing, and great acting. I'm not shocked by the high ratings, but I am shocked by the posts calling it "a horrible movie" and "full of plot holes." (These insights are no doubt the opinions of people utterly transfixed by movies chock full of special effects....every one about as believable as a moon made of green cheese.)
Too slow? It wasn't remotely slow. It was riveting. Of course, it didn't have legions of over-tattooed female warriors named Xondra brandishing AK-47s and swooping in from the treetops every five seconds. (A plot line that wouldn't raise a question of authenticity from any of these "critics.")
This was the best movie I've seen since "Winter's Bone."
Winter's Bone came to mind for me as well, maybe due to the sense of place. I felt like I was on the Mississippi River with these characters.
Agree with another poster, we need more of these movies and less CGI MTV-edited superhero movies for low attention spans (what the OP was looking for, apparently).
It's not so much the slowness of the movie that's a problem as the lack of focus. They didn't need to fully develop every single character relationship possibility... kids + mud, kid 1 + kid 2, mud + girl, kid + girl, kid + mud's girl, kid + mom, kid + dad, mom + dad, other kid + uncle, dad + whoever the guy was that was mentoring him... and so on, and so on. They should have just focused on a few characters and made their stakes higher. Too bad, because it was such a great setting and had so much potential... if they had just tightened up their screenplay a bit...
Otterprods, to keep those aquatic Mustelidae in line.
I didn't enjoy the movie much, but gotta say I disagree with you about "whats wrong" with it: I think it was important for the story to show how Mud's relationship with the kid had an impact on how the kid was maturing as an adult through his other relationships with his parents and girls/women also. Mud kind of "gave him a push" into real life and adult problems. (The scenes with the diver/uncle, well, that was unnecessary).
IMO, an overal "ok" movie, good acting and all ok, but perhaps the story itself is not that interesting to me (and perhaps to many that say "didn't liked it" without a clear explanation. Not a movie for everyone.
Also, the OP must not be familiar with the South. We do tend to take things slowly here. We chew our food, and our words, thoroughly. That's probably why so many great writers have their origins here. Or not.