Too Slowwww

Aside from everything else, the pace of this movie enabled me to fold laundry, brush the dog, take a shower, then ask my husband "What happened? What did I miss?" and the answer was nothing.
I'm perplexed by the high rating and the scenery only feels muggy and mosquitoey not to mention snakey.

The action does pick up in the last quarter but the story is only mildly interesting. ( it was the middle I was bored)
Some of the characters remind me too much of real life unfortunately!
Thank goodness I had a coupon code for Redbox.

"Don't be ridiculous. It's in my secret room behind the bookcase.


"Some of the characters remind me of real life." Are you an idiot? That's exactly what they should be like. Go watch some fictional *beep* if you mind so much.


why does the pace matter so much? Do you not listen to slow songs because they are slow? Watching any movie also relies on paying attention to that movie but if you got distractions in your surroundings and mind then it'll be much harder to experience a slow film. Ingmar Bergman's Winter Light and Virgin Spring pop to mind because they are even slower yet even more incredible. I also saw this in theaters and I'm sure that added to my satisfaction and thinking it is a great film, but nevertheless it is a good one and worth the watch, especially during this year of sci-fi movies.


next time take your Ritalin before starting the movie...might help...


Movies for adults often confuse and frighten those with simple tastes.


I disagree. I really liked the pace of the film. It was a good character driven movie. The film was based around the interactions of all the characters. I felt like almost every interaction revealed something important about the characters.


I think you should ask somebody other than your husband.
Because he missed a whole lot.
Sometimes I say nothing happened.
Usually because I don't want to talk to that person.


That is awesome....I do the same thing >:P

Or maybe he DID like it, but knew she would NEVER appreciate why bother.


I thought the pacing of Mud was absolutely perfect. It was a slow burn all the way through but there were never any instances in the movie where "nothing happened." The plot was pretty thick and every scene contributed to it in a meaningful way. Also, what the movie did brilliantly was build everything up so deliberately that the action sequence at the end had an immense impact. I was deeply immersed in the story and got so much out of it because it was told just right.

"All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it."



You are suffering from the modern problem of short attention span. This movie lasted two hours and few minutes. It has a rather intriguing storyline(actually several) that kept my interest. Slow might only mean that you are going too fast, correct?

I would suggest yoga. It helps to calm the mind in a world full of nerve shattering everyday events.
