I mean, she must be 49, 50 by now and it looks like someone has put their knee on the back of her head, grabbed her ears and pulled with all their might! Is it just me or is this really obvious? I think permanently surprised is an understatement. It is a real shame when this happens to celebrities as I feel that it affects their ability to act to their full ability and makes them unable to properly convey emotion. In a film like this where a roller-coaster of emotion is the key to the films success and more importantly the (positive) reaction of the audience, I think it is not only a waste of money on her part but a waste of talent. Discuss :p
I thought she looked fit. Ok she's had a tug behind the ears but so what.
Her bottom was showing no signs of sagging, I saw no signs of cellulite, her boobs were amazing, in fact she would put many teens and 20 something to shame.
Maybe they spent some time using some After FX stuff on her...I know that in Easy A, Emma Stone had a really bad ache break out and they had to use extensive FX thru the entire film just on her face.
I fully admit that I did not see this movie, but I just watched to SAG awards and thought the same thing about her face. I think she looks terrible, she also talks a little funny, maybe from all the work she clearly has had done. Its a shame that Hollywood makes some people think that a face like that (many other women in Hollywood have the same issue) is what a "true beauty" should look like.
The only thing I have ever noticed about Helen Hunt's face is her high forehead. She used to hide it behind bangs, but let it out in What Women Want...made her nose look too big or long. Having said all of that, I think Helen Hunt is a very sexy, very attractive woman with a killer body that, refreshingly, looks very natural, unlike the cartoon variation bodies we see with usual Hollywood. I don't think she's had very invasive procedures, perhaps some botox or a tuck here and there. She didn't go the way of Meg Ryan and that's in her favor.
I'll end by saying that I noticed her acting chops back when she was doing Mad About You, the same way that I noticed Tom Hanks back in Bosom Buddies, thinking that he would make a wonderful leading actor. Helen is an extremely fine actor who picks roles that endear the audience to her (most of the time). She is one of my favorites right up there with Sally Field Meryl Streep. Her expressions are very good and she uses her space well.
Great film, by the way. They both were phenomenal.
I think Helen Hunt is a wonderful actress and, incidentally, a killer bod. Her face is gaunt. I don't think it's lifted or stretched or anything. Just very thin. Her lips are extremely thin also. I think she could probably benefit from some lip injections, not trout pout, but something to fill in her natural lipline. She also does not seem to have an eye job done; that might take care of the upper lids and soften her look. We need to all realize that no one looks at our face magnified many many times. We allow ourselves to do this to other people, called actors, but this is our deal not theirs. I have seen many fine movies and tv shows with HH. She is an accomplished actress and human being. You can't fake that, and it shows in her oscar caliber work on The Sessions. And--that is one rockin' bod.
The sad fact is that if she didn't do botox (or is it a facelift?) then we'd have people here complaining about how old she looks. Or she might not be landing acting jobs, which would be a shame because she is getting better with age.
We're all just guessing, but I don't think Helen is the type to have work done. She seems too natural, and really doesn't need to stay in the industry for money. She seems really thin. The one place that didn't look right was the one scene in profile, with bad lighting. Her skin was way too tight.
But let's hear it for the boldness of Helen Hunt! She's not afraid of the non-vanity shots. The raccoon-eyed drunk in 'pay it fwd', so many nude scenes in this movie that you'd think you were watching a movie from the 70's... She's 49. She still has a great body! And she's an incredible actor!
problem is you don't have a comparison, she could look much worse natural than slightly unnatural but "fixed up". in any case, looking sorta wrong at that age is still a feat, many people age very poorly compared to that.
I think she looks really good overall and especially in the nude, but there IS something wrong with her face. Maybe she does need to gain weight in her cheeks, she used to have such nice little cheeks, now she's conspiculously gaunt there. But still, she looked very good.