MovieChat Forums > The Sessions (2012) Discussion > What has happened to Helen Hunts face?

What has happened to Helen Hunts face?

I mean, she must be 49, 50 by now and it looks like someone has put their knee on the back of her head, grabbed her ears and pulled with all their might! Is it just me or is this really obvious? I think permanently surprised is an understatement. It is a real shame when this happens to celebrities as I feel that it affects their ability to act to their full ability and makes them unable to properly convey emotion. In a film like this where a roller-coaster of emotion is the key to the films success and more importantly the (positive) reaction of the audience, I think it is not only a waste of money on her part but a waste of talent. Discuss :p


Too many oranges in her diet? Makeup by Minute Maid and Grapico?

Oh, and she shaved her eyebrows and drew them back in the wrong place.

Other than that, nothing. Not with her body either.

"We sleep safe in our beds because rugged men . . . " George Orwell.


In my opinion women become more and more attractive as they age up to anywhere from late 40s to late 50s, as long as they stay in relatively decent shape.

A pretty woman at age 20 is attractive but the same woman at 45 in the same overall shape is almost always significantly more beautiful and way way more sexy. The other caviot is that she hasn't had any plastic surgery, especially if you can tell she has had plastic surgery just by looking at her.

I supose there is a place for plastic surgery for those who are genuinely unattractive due to injury or just unfortunate genetics. But in my opinion when people who are already attractive get plastic surgery done it is a mistake. I mean it is such a risk, it's hard to know before hand, but if it turns out that afterwords it is obvious that you have had the surgery (which it usually is, even if it "improves" the person's look) then rather then increasing the persons attractiveness it completely detracts fron it.

It is a real shame women feel the need to look younger. There is a real grace and beauty women actualy gain as they age.

Also I have seen many women with bold striking features say their nose, that set them apart and often give them a unique sexiness which would be completely ruined of they decided to go in and get nose #1 from the surgeons nose menu.

Many of the most striking women have some bold feature that makes them stand out in a good way. But somehow we have come to expect those features to adhere to some cookie cutter idea of beauty.


Everybody in this thread should be ashamed of themselves for all of the body shaming. Beauty is a temporary thing and nobody can control it when it fades, so complaining and blaming a woman for aging is incredibly stupid. Nobody ever allows a woman to age.

Your world must have very dry literature.


. . . .especially a woman. That's Hollywood and the movie industry that demands the youthful image especially in women. There are a few that ignore this like Maggie Smith and others. Some men chose to go the face lift route most notably Tom Cruise, but others like Sean Connery just keep getting more handsome as they age. Go figure. .
