Better than Rocky

In my eyes, Rocky is boring, and Sylvester Stallone is not nearly the actor Jake Gylenhall is, to me this movie is 100x better


Southpaw's writing is all over the place, full of clichés, and awfully simplistic. The movie works thanks to Gyllenhaal's biblical performance and Fuqua's energetic directing, but the attempt to mix Rocky 2 and Kramer vs Kramer fails terribly. It was no surprise to me, given who wrote the screenplay. With SoA, Sutter made very clear that he has the subtlety of a panzertank. Screenplay-wise, Southpaw only benefited of his ability to write strong female characters.

- Booker, are you afraid of God ?
- No. But I'm afraid of you.



This ain't in any way better than Rocky. Despite fight scenes in Rocky were unrealistic, movie was simply touching and inspiring.. not to mention that it has in some way different meaning than this one has. Rocky is a legend, even upcoming movie 'Creed' won't replace him.


A poor imitation and a straight rip-off from Rocky - how bad can your judgement be ?


My judgement? Except that I didn't judged this movie, and didn't even said it is a rip-off from Rocky.


No not you sensdeath, the thread originator. Must be a troll, this film is just a poor rip off.


OP, you must be joking.


ROCKY: 6/10
ROCKY II, V & VI: 5/10
ROCKY IV: 1/10


At least Rocky was somewhat original, this was beyond boring. JG used to be an original actor, lately he seems to be simply boxed into macho stereotypes casting. I miss the ole Jake.
I fell asleep twice in this, in the afternoon. Beyond boring, and the fights were so poorly done. Hey Hollywood, please bring the original Jake back.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


Couldn't agree more. SP was a Rocky rip-off, derivative and unoriginal. I can't believe that you can have that budget, those actors, and STILL make such a boring film with zero creativity. Wow.


nothing is better than Rocky Balboa the char and Stallone the actor.


PLS don't
