Better than Rocky

In my eyes, Rocky is boring, and Sylvester Stallone is not nearly the actor Jake Gylenhall is, to me this movie is 100x better



while on my initial viewing of Southpaw i would have agreed with you that Southpaw is better than the Rocky movies i find that Southpaw does not hold up on a re-watch (i just finished re-watching Southpaw on Jan 27th 2016) unlike the Rocky movies which i still mildly like.

-Rocky (series) - 6/10 (a mild Thumbs Up)
-Southpaw - 5/10 (Thumbs Down) (although on my initial viewing i gave it a 6.5-7/10)

My Top 100-ish Movies of All-Time! =


Rocky 1 is way better than this half assed story, rocky is the forefather to all boxing movies and will never be stumped it has it all, love,drama,action, and some of the sickest training scenes to be shown on film and its a classic timeless piece.


You seriously have to be trolling. It felt as if I were watching Rocky III.


The Rocky screenplay won Stallone an Oscar, and deservedly so. It was simple, but original, and touched the masses. Having endured a slew of sequels where the protagonist may as well be named "Schlocky", it's pleasantly surprising to go back and view the original.

Southpaw, however, is not original. It is predictable, like so many boxing movies. Champ is down on his luck, champ makes a comeback, the end. Credit must be given to the actors; Gylenhall in particular transcends a pedestrian script to give us something that is at least engaging and watchable. But now I know the movie was conceived as a vehicle for Eminem, the inevitable conclusion is that the final product doesn't really have a reason for being, aside from allowing us to admire Gylenhall disappearing into his role with aplomb. In short, we get to experience a good actor putting in an incredible effort, and becoming perhaps a great one. But good acting can't elevate the writing. Jake will have to keep looking for that Oscar-winning role. Shame, really; he is better here than DiCaprio was in the Revenant.

In my humble opinion, the first Rocky and Raging Bull are the only boxing movies we need. The rest all come across as retreads. Even Cinderella Man, based on real life, felt like an inferior Rocky.


Not even fit to lace the gloves of the original Rocky!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


You're gonna get hate for that..and so will I for agreeing.

Never was fan of Rocky cause it was so slow and boring, this movie was great from start to finish. I'm sure in 40 years people will compare Rocky to Southpaw instead of the other way around.


Rocky to me is something that I have to assume there was something specific going on at the time that people could connect with - because I saw it recently and found it fairly ridiculous. A long series of eyerolls punctuated by only small occasional moments of charm.

4.4 out of 10

Southpaw I got at 7.2 so if I do some quick math, that equals exactly 100x better than Rocky and I am in agreement with OP.

(I have Creed at 7.8)



Anyone who thinks this is better than Rocky must be blind, brain dead, never saw a good movie or all three.


I definitely liked this one better than Rocky. I always thought Rocky was just kinda goofy and way overrated. And yes, Jake G. is certainly the much better actor.
