You people are so stupid!! Being 36 is NOT old. At all. Heck, there are actors and actresses in 60s that are still attrative. Moreover, this is totally sexist bull. If you had any male actor of 36 and actress of 31, NOBODY would call it an age difference. Even if guy is 48 or so (like Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise) and the girl is like 25 (like Megan Fox or Amber Heard), I still think that nobody would notice an age difference. I can take it both ways, cause love and appeal has no limits, when it comes to grown-up. But, I'm sick watching middle-aged men with all the good chicks, while men in their 20s are stuck with underaged girls that they couldn't date in real life without going to jail. And when the reverse happens, some moron says she's too old. Well, you know what Chris Pine and Reece Witherspoon pairing is like 1000000000000000 times more appropriate age-wise that Danny Trejo and Jessica Alba in Machete, and I liked that pair too.