32 yo over here and i agree with him, the movie was hilarious.
As far as really bad low-bro comedies with lame fart jokes go, i would mention The Interview, which single-handedly redefined the word turd for future generations. Deadpool on the other hand was spot-on. I watched it maybe 4-5 times so far with different crowds and I keep picking up new jokes and references (mother tongue isn't english).
My opinion is that while many movies in the past have attempted to create an incredibly annoying talkative character who has the ability to go on everyone's nerves with an unending logorrhea of witty comebacks and sarcastic comments (and some brilliantly succeeded at that), very few managed to kill it to such an extent pretty much 100% of the time such as Deadpool.
I put this movie above anything Marvel has produced until now, miles in front of acclaimed titles such as Captain America: TWS, The Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy. Both in terms of comedy and action. None of the fight scenes in The Avengers or in TWS come close to the one between DP and Ajax when surrounded by fire in the lab or on the aircraft carrier. The feeling of power and destruction in each blow was unprecedented and looked bada$$.
8/10 in my book. My 3rd favorite comic book adaptation after Watchmen 10/10 and Kickass 9/10. On par with Batman Begins, TDK and maybe also 300 and the first 2 Blades. But better than everything else in the superhero genre.
People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs