MovieChat Forums > The Wolverine (2013) Discussion > Am I the only one that thinks this is th...

Am I the only one that thinks this is the best X-Men film?

I have seen all except First Class and Days of Future Past. My ratings are;
X-Men: 7
X2: 8
X-Men: The Last Stand: 5
X-Men Origins: Wolverine: 3
The Wolverine: 10

If anyone wants to know why I think this is a masterpiece I would be happy to answer any queries that you have.


If you think X-Men First Class is your favorite so far, wait till you see X-Men DOFP. That one is the best so far in my opinion.
The Wolverine is actually on the bottom of my list. I liked it, gave it a 7, but it is my least favorite.


The Wolverine > First Class


I agree - The Wolverine was better than First Class. I thought FIRST CLASS seemed a bit disjointed and the acting (save for Fassbender and maybe McAvoy to some extent) was uneven. Yukio was more fun to watch than the young Mystique.

I like the absence of "too many mutants"... instead, it focused on one very important one!

I also think the reference to Nagasaki was more historically resonant than The Bay of Pigs ( which seemed purely fictional in the movie).


No you're not the only one. The Extended cut is the best version. Aside from the movie ending up with a standard CGI robot ending , the movie was grounded yet still had elements of the fantastic. Visually it's the strongest of the X-men movies in my opinion.




I think this and Days of Future Past are the best X-Men films, they seem more tightly made and focused on character development.



Yea, I would say you are the only one....and how could you not have seen First Class by now? If you like the X-Men films why would you not watch the one that is better than all the others except X2...btw I put X2 and First Class as equals because I can't decide which one I like more.

P.S. I am not including Days of Future Past into consideration in this comment because I only saw it once in theaters and I'm waiting for the Director's Cut to watch it again.

=Last time I taught, I was like Robin Williams in Dead Poets which I mean I got fired=


Really enjoyed this movie. It did not dissapoint, and whenever I watch it, I find I still enjoy it as much as I did when it came out in theatres.

"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins
