MovieChat Forums > The Wolverine (2013) Discussion > Am I the only one that thinks this is th...

Am I the only one that thinks this is the best X-Men film?

I have seen all except First Class and Days of Future Past. My ratings are;
X-Men: 7
X2: 8
X-Men: The Last Stand: 5
X-Men Origins: Wolverine: 3
The Wolverine: 10

If anyone wants to know why I think this is a masterpiece I would be happy to answer any queries that you have.


I was quite impressed with the film overall, though I don't think I'd rate it a ten. Maybe a 9, but not 10. Hugh Jackman was great here, as was the supporting cast. I like the characterization they give Logan here. I love how he is dealing with the loss he suffered in X3 and how Jean portrays his own inner doubts and struggles with immortality. I love how Mariko manages to enable Logan to see that there is reason to go on and to fight for what is right. It's a really good character piece.

My only real issue with the film is the way the actual plot plays out. I don't know that I like the big reveal of who was behind it all. For some odd reason, it just didn't sit well with me. I guess the big finale got a bit too comic-bookish in a film that had otherwise been such a mature take on the material. Oh well, it isn't something I hated. It just didn't sit well. But it didn't make me not enjoy the film. It's just my own nitpick, I suppose.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Yh, a lot of critics hated the finale. I guess I loved it because of what I had to watch to get to this point in the series. e.g. the last stand and origins which i hated. I personally think it is a terrible injustice as they both have a 6.8, yet on rt origins is 38% and this is 69%.


I am surprised that the rating on Rotten Tomatoes is 69%. All things considered, that isn't bad, but it should be a lot higher. As for ratings on IMDb, I just don't care about them at all. This place is a joke when it comes to the rating system.

In any case, I wrote off Xmen Origins long ago. I just didn't care for it, and it really made me mad that they delivered so poorly on the whole Weapon X angle. Such potential wasted. My best friend and I are in the middle of our weekly Xmen marathon, leading up to Xmen Days of Future Past. We aren't bothering with origins. Neither one of us even owns it.

Funny enough, I bought The Wolverine specifically for this little marathon we are having. I missed it in theaters and didn't really pay much attention to it. Maybe I didn't care thanks to Origins. Anyhow, I had heard that it took place after X3 and had Jean Grey in it, which caused me to be more interested. I read some reviews and gauged reactions from various sites before buying, to see how well received it was. I figured it was worth a shot, and I do not regret getting it at all. I was really surprised by how good it was.

Next week when my friend and I watch it, we will be watching the extended cut. I watched the theatrical cut only recently. I like seeing both versions of films I enjoy. General consensus seems to be that the extended cut is best. Is that your opinion?

I don't really hate X3 at all. It has a lot of problems and I can surely nitpick it to death, but I think it has some good content as well. It's not a film I dismiss like Origins was. It's just a missed opportunity for what could have been so much more. I guess I am not as hard on it anymore because it is no longer the last Xmen in the series. The adventure continues on with The Wolverine, then back into the past with First Class, and now bringing it all together with Days of Future Past. That feeling of X3 derailing and bringing the series to a halt is now gone, which enables me to better enjoy the movie. As a final film, it was awful, but now it is just a middle chapter. Does that make any sense?

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Yh, ive only seen the extended once and then 7 months later watched theatrical. I like it a lot more than I used to. I think it is because of origins and I remember the extended cut having more blood, because it is unrated and has better character development, so if I saw it again I would probably say it is the better of the two.




id ont think this movie is anywhere near as good as Days of Future past or first class


Yes. A Nine. The best X-MEN movie. The ratings would improve. Sometimes good movies don't get the rating they deserve in the first year.

X men : 6 (too many characters, too much melodrama, too little genuine character development)

X 2: 6 (Less melodrama than the first, but even lesser character development)

Last Stand: 6 (sucked from beginning to end, stupid dialogues, little sympathy for jean even in the earlier movies)

Orgins: Wolverine : 5 (no real plot direction or objective, too much of all bones wolverine)

First Class: 6 (children playing x-men, stubborn idiots)

Wolverine: 8 (awesome character development, beautiful twists, real-life action and enigmatic plot turns)

Days of Past and Future: 7 (conceptual story-line, nice robots)

If you look at character development, creativity and direction I think wolverine does manage to beat everyone.


It's my favorite of the X-Men movies, with X2 just behind it. But I definately prefer the first half, which is fantastic. I don't care for the finale with the "Silver Samurai", but the fight between Logan, Yukio and Shingen is great, and I loved the Yakuza fight at the funeral (and following train battle).

"My father worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay"


UPDATE: I have just seen First Class and think it is the best X-Men film to date! Roll on Days of Future Past!


UPDATE: I have just seen First Class and think it is the best X-Men film to date! Roll on Days of Future Past!

I really like First Class, but I can't agree that it is the best. I personally like the first two Singer movies best through and through. The Wolverine is also up there as some of the best film making in the series. First Class is a bit lazy at times with it's continuity, and I think is tries to slap us in the face with "mutant and proud" messages a bit too much. The acting is a bit hot or miss. McAvoy and Fassbender are fantastic, as is Kevin Bacon. The rest of the cast ranges from alright to rather awful at times. It's a fun movie and certainly entertaining, but I think it could have been fine tuned a bit as the film we got seems a bit in the raw. But I am happy to have it, despite nitpicks.

X2 really is the best of the series, and I hope Days of Future Past will be up there with it.

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I've seen all the films and First Class is easily my favorite, followed by Days of Future Past and X-2. I enjoyed The Wolverine and the first film a lot. Really the only disappointments for me are Origins and X-Men 3, but I think even they have their moments.

Definitely check out the extended Rogue Cut of Days of Future Past.

Communism was just a red herring.


it's right there with X2 and is the best Logan has been on screen by far including in X2.

A bullet in the forehead should not knock him out.


One of the best for sure. I just finished it and was pleasantly surprised. I never thought any of the "bad" X-men movies were that bad, for example The Last Stand everyone hates on, but I didn't think it was so bad and was a good "conclusion" to the original trilogy. Almost nobody likes Jedi as much as Empire anyway, and I think I am sort of programmed to like the middle installment in a trilogy.

This film was definitely better than Origins: Wolverine (I wish they had spent like 10 more minutes thinking of names for these movies.) I would rate about as follows:

X-Men: 8
X2: 8
Last Stand: 6
Origins Wolverine: 5
First Class: 6
The Wolverine: 7

So I guess I'm saying I think it was the best since X2. Everyone loved First Class and upon the first 2 viewings of it I wouldn't rate it any higher than a meh. Just watched it recently and I liked it more than I ever did, but I would still say 6 is fair.

Also I am totally fanboying about Future Past almost as much as I was for X-Men when I was 12.

You ever eat on a train, Marge? What they call a steak is barely a hamburger


I've just watched The Wolverine again and agree that it's the best X movie, or at least tied with First Class. I feel the movies as a whole are hit and miss. I liked X3 amd Wolverine Origins first time I saw them but I can't watch them now, they have too many problems I can't ignore them any more.
I'm really hoping DoFP (and Apocalypse) carry on the upward trend of decent XMen movies


I liked X3 amd Wolverine Origins first time I saw them but I can't watch them now, they have too many problems I can't ignore them any more.

I am reversed about X3. I hated it when it was new and found it to be a terribly disappointing followup to X2, but now I accept it for what it is and actually can find some elements to enjoy about it, even if it is heavily flawed at times. One thing that has changed my view on X3 is that it is no longer the film that killed the original series and caused it to regress backwards to prequels and Origin films. Now we have The Wolverine where Logan deals with Jean's death. We can't have this film without X3. Days of Future Past also does not ignore the film, so now X3 is like a middle chapter that is no longer responsible for preventing the story from moving forward. I can accept it much better now because of this.

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


To begin with, I am not exactly a diehard fan of X-Men (my original preference has always been for 'Justice League' in the comic books and the animated series as well). But, yes, I will still answer your question, nonetheless.
To be frank, I still feel that 'The Wolverine' is still very underrated, despite the fact that it has some glaring flaws in its writing and characterization. To begin with, it is completely unlike any other superhero film in the genre- it is far more toned down, less packed with mindless SFX, has a couple of genuinely intriguing characters, the fight scenes are far more muscular than just mindless explosions and the acting is quite good, in fact mostly better than the crap that is usually rolled out.
But the problems are quite serious as well- the Yakuza angle in the plot could have been more fleshed out- the angle of that lovelorn Harada is completely unconvincing and it is all patched up in the climax in a rather shoddy way. I would not really blame James Mangold for this- he did a fab job of stylizing the film in the real noir mood and It was fun to see Svetlana as the Dr. Green and some scenes were absolutely knockout. Jackman was awesome but his supporting cast, while excellent, are essentially being made to play as typical villains- Shinghen for example was a typical buffoon whom Wolverine could easily knock out...
It has its large problems and plotholes but for most part, it was excellently shot, paced and directed. For me, however, to date, I loved 'X-Men First Class' the most because it was downright fun, inventive, amazing and very refreshing as a superhero film (please note that I am not really a fan of the comics so I don't really give much thought to how faithful a film is)


Watch First Class. That is my favorite one, and probably pretty high on the masses.


Its the weakest of the four x-men movies I like (5 after I get around to DOFP) but it's still a solid movie and the first x-men movie just barely beats it in what I'd score them.
