MovieChat Forums > The Wolverine (2013) Discussion > Am I the only one that thinks this is th...

Am I the only one that thinks this is the best X-Men film?

I have seen all except First Class and Days of Future Past. My ratings are;
X-Men: 7
X2: 8
X-Men: The Last Stand: 5
X-Men Origins: Wolverine: 3
The Wolverine: 10

If anyone wants to know why I think this is a masterpiece I would be happy to answer any queries that you have.



I thought it was a total snoozefest. Despite I saw it shortly after the release, reading this thread I noticed I can't remember much of the story and forgot even certain main characters. I am not afraid to say that I even enjoyed "Origins: Wolverine" more - as bad as it was, at least it was more entertaining and Wade and Sabretooth were more memorable bad guys than the ones featured here.


For me, definitely yes. The regular X-Men movies tend to fall into the "blockbuster" category with little in the way of character development. That's what sets the Wolverine movies apart. The ability to focus on a few select characters gives them more depth.

Death solves all problems. - Stalin


I've been a huge Wolverine/X-men fan my whole life. The depictions of most of these characters in movies has been deplorable and Hugh Jackman's portrayal of Wolverine is so far removed from the comic books that its a completely different character. Wolverine didn't spend entire comic books getting his rear end kicked. He was tough and smart. Jackman's Wolverine is the male equivalent of Belle from Twilight. She spends entire movies whining about life. The movie Wolverine spends the entirety of both movies in a haze of confusion.

So no, it isn't the best and not even close. Jackman has control of the X-men franchises so almost all of them are Wolverine movies. Days of Future past is a Wolverine movie. Apocalypse will be a Wolverine movie, too.


The depictions of most of these characters in movies has been deplorable and Hugh Jackman's portrayal of Wolverine is so far removed from the comic books that its a completely different character.

Honestly speaking, how good would a 5'3", hairy midget wearing yellow and blue spandex work for a movie? Can you see Jean or any other normal sized woman having any interest in him?

I get that you underestimate Logan at your own risk, but, again, what works in the comics doesn't always work in the movies.

And, yes, Wolverine did get his rear end kicked for entire comics. Also, you seem to be forgetting that he had the bug attached to his heart which was taking away his healing powers. Omitting that fact taints the facts.


First Class is the best one so far.


It COULD have been the best. Unfortunately, changes were made from the original Wolverine Limited Series. Once again they can't decide (Much like a lot of DC movies) what his powers do. If Wolverine had his powers suppressed by Viper. Why was he able to fight without his hands bleeding when his claws came out. This wasn't like the old comics where his claws were protected by sheaths around his knuckles.

I get what they were trying to do. They should have stuck to the source material more. Only problem is we'd be getting a lot of inner monologue, but that might have been better. Personally the X-Men was better in the 70's and early 80's. Guys like Apocalypse, and other storylines really just garbled and ruined it for me. I get why they changed the Phoenix Saga, because it might have been too much to have a mutant outer space adventure. But it didn't have the gravitas or emotion the comic book had.

The X-Men work as a series, it doesn't work that great to get condensed in a two hour movie.


As great as this was, I enjoyed X-Men Apocalypse more.
