@ rjsf96 - Yes, I would like to know how is it even possible to rate this cinematic abortion (The Wolverine) so highly?
kevinchengxin posted a question on these message boards: "Is this the most boring superhero movie or what?"
I thought exactly the same thing while trying to get through this god awful piece of cinematic fecal matter.
There were a lot of noises and fight scenes going on that were supposed to be interesting. But for the life of me I just can't remember all that much about them.
There were some samurais and some ninjas and a Japanese version of Green Arrow dressed up all in black doing some parkour moves as he leapt from rooftop to rooftop.
A scantily clad Jean Grey who kept popping up in Wolverine's bed throughout the film... but only in dream sequence for some odd reason.
Then there was the one-dimensional romantic interlude with Mariko that was supposed to be important for some reason, but utterly failed to convince that this wasn't just shoe-horned into the script.
Yes, Wolverine is supposed to have a very complicated romantic relationship with Mariko (in the comic books). But in this film it just seemed like an afterthought that they threw together for some reason. I guess to balance out the fake romance with ghost Jean they needed a real person for Wolvie to get his rocks off with. No more mental masturbation for you Logan.
I still don't understand why Viper was in this movie. Or why the Silver Samurai was turned into a mech suit for some old Japanese guy (guess they were trying to cash in on Iron Man) instead of the young Japanese samurai who has fought Wolverine several times.
But what's even worse is that the character of Yukio was butchered beyond recognition. She went from awesome azz-kicking Ronin (in the comic books) to basically Mariko's bee-yotch slave for no good reason.