MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City 2 (2010) Discussion > The most cringe inducing moments....

The most cringe inducing moments....

This movie was utter garbage and I was a HUGE fan of the TV show. I cringed at a few scenes including....

* When the girls walked over the sand dune with their camel riding outfits

* The weird karoke scene

* When Carrie stuck out her leg for the cab

* When the Arab women took off their clothes for the girls

* When Carrie came back to the hotel room after kissing Aiden screaming she needed her girls

* When Carrie called Big after kissing Aiden

So many more....

What were your most cringe inducing moments?


The outfit Carrie wears when she meets Aidan. What...the f%ck is that?!

"Everything I do, I do it for you."


When Carrie flops herself onto the chair and say's " You knew when you married me I was more Coco Chanel then coq au vin".

I yelled TAKE A COOKING CLASS I know they are wealthy but would it kill her to cook a meal Big managed a nice meal for the Aniversary

The whole TV thing I thought it was a thoughful gift Carrie acted like a 2 yr old that didnt get the Dolly she wanted.

and I agree with the WTF outfit Carrie wore to the Souk, who dresses that way
did she think she was in Walmart (if you have ever been to the website Peoplefowalmart you would understand)
and those sun glasses Huh.

overall i liked the Movie but not as Much as the first one

Sláinte I refuse to get into a battle of wits with someone so woefully unarmed


Most of the posters complaining about the movie did not even like the TV show; I can tell by the things they are saying about the characters.

I loved the movie and the TV show but I suppose I had one cringe inducing moment - when Carrie left the tip for her butler, to fly home to see his wife. At that point, the butler was gone and the only one who would ever see that money would be the hotel housekeeping staff!!

Carrie would have known that.

"the best that you can do is fall in love"


Here is my moment, when Miranda and Charlotte are about to have a drink in the bar in the room and Miranda says to the guy making the drinks "you can go now" all, I am high society and foo foo like, anyone else know what I am referring too??

everybody here, comes from somewhere


but don't you remember the first night, Carrie didn't know she had to dismiss her butler so he was there waiting all night in case she needed anything? i think Miranda was conscious of that and wanted to be sure she didn't make the same mistake.

Luke … this is your father … come set the table for dinner.


i thought that was a very sweet thing to do. why would the butler be gone? doesn't he work at the hotel, waiting on the VIPs who stay in that fancy suite? and he said he would go back to India see his wife in a month, so why would he not be there?

Luke … this is your father … come set the table for dinner.


This movie was utter garbage and I was a HUGE fan of the TV show.

Totally agree with the OP, but cannot bear to list all the moments that made me cringe. This movie was the worst movie I've seen in a long time. I just pray that they call it a day now and not make a trilogy.


I loved the show and liked parts of the first movie, but this one was just sad.

When Carrie screeches, "20 dollars, for shoooes?" like that is unheard of and all shoes are at least $500.

When Aiden picks her up in the market and whirls her around in that ridiculous skirt and her arms are down-- it looks so awkward.

The opening scene with the wedding registry was so forced-- bad jokes and bad acting. It set the tone.

Carrie's pouting about Big and her anger at the review and her hysteria at kissing Aiden and forcing the "girls" to all rally round her. And of course, ignoring their advice.

And yes, the way they treat Charlotte.


^As I mentioned before, I really think the Liza Minnelli scene set the tone for the rest of the movie - how execrable it was, I mean. And then Carrie wearing that nasty little hat with the tux. Oh, why am I even talking about this crap!


The awkward moment when it seemed like Liza's appendix burst at the end of the song. What was that?


When Carrie screeches, "20 dollars, for shoooes?" like that is unheard of and all shoes are at least $500.

Yes cuz carrie wouldnt be caught dead in shoes from Payless

Sláinte I refuse to get into a battle of wits with someone so woefully unarmed


The whole movie made me cringe. Just a bunch of whiny ho bags.


What about when Carrie was so upset from her bad review that she couldn't possibly even TRY to cheer herself up and spend time with her friends at a spa day (all expenses paid), she would rather pout all by herself (after slamming down the magazine and storming out, that is). She even had to walk ahead of her personal butler with the umbrella she was so upset. She's a writer...and she's in her mid-40s. Bad reviews are bound to happen, and she, of all people, should know that.

Or the dinner/walk with Aiden...she was being so flirty with him, kind of rocking her body back and fourth (on the walk) and batting her eyes, and her vocal inflections were implying she was in lust with him.


Samantha was pretty cringe-worthy. KC looked great in the first movie and show but here she seemed so much older. You could see it in her face (she looks a little scrunched) and the whole panties down in the office was just nasty. The sexual escapades and puns just were overdone and nastier whereas in the show and first movie she was wittier and it was ok. She would have "rocked" the dress in the first movie, but not the second.

SJP also doesn't look nearly as good as before. One thing I cringed at is her voice when narrating- way higher than before! Anyone else notice?

"Everything I do, I do it for you."


Also, they were only going to be gone a week, why was Samantha's mail forwarded 6700 miles?


YES, THANK YOU! Omg, that was beyond ridiculous!


This probably has been mentioned before but the idea of actually having to fly in "coach" being so repulsive to them. Hey...I fly coach with the rest of the peasants all of the time and I live through it...


the sight of Charlotte making cupcakes with her kids while wearing a "vintage" outfit... I used to wear cutoffs and an old t-shirt while baking with my kids.

"More cowbell!"...Christopher Walken


Yes! Even with the show I would say "who dresses like that just to hang out at home?" Miranda is the only one who would wear normal casual outfits (except not in this movie.)


I do not know why they even filmed this. This could not of come across funny on the screenplay/

My problem with this film was Carrie needed to GROW UP> She acts like she is 22.

If there is another movie ( I am sure the ladies want to go out on better last impression) the story should be about Being 40+ aadjusting to what your life is all about and being at peace with your life and choices even when your dreams seem to be a distant memory.


The only part that really made me embarrassed was when Carrie said the name of her personal assistant to Charlotte. His name was Gaureau(sp?). Why would she say his name like that, kind of like she was trying to be sexy maybe? I don't know but I was so uncomfortable in that part, like making faces and looking away because I was embarrassed for Carrie....weird.


The Liza Minelli cameo was so cringey from start to finish. They all hung on her every word as if she was god. I also hated the guys' expressions singing in the choir when they seen her first! Yeuch!

That HORRIBLE couple that Big and Carrie talk to at the wedding. Who would talk like that? the part where she pointed at her belly because they "obviously" would know she had a surrogate was so arrogant!

Miranda's outfit at Stanford and Anthony's wedding. She's a 30 something lawyer, or is she 40 something now? It was just cringey and looked like something Lady Gaga would wear to the shops! Miranda always dressed sensibliy in the show, she was stylish towards the end but always sensible, they dressed her like a teenager in the movies.

Another Miranda one, her throwing her head out the car and screaming like a maniac when they were on the way to the dessert. She was in the car by herself........why???

Carrie applying her eyeliner in the mirror........for some reason it looks like she's missing a tooth in that scene! So not sexy.

Carrie having the argument with Big while her dress is still hanging off her and we can see her god awful cleavage. Take the stupid dress off or leave it on!

Charlotte's Irish Nanny or should I say Oirish. I'm from Ireland and I just hate the stereotypical Irish accent that people use. The girl who played Erin is from England so I dont see what her excuse is, its hardly a world away from Ireland. I honestly think the only reason they had her Irish was so Samantha could say "Erin go braless".

What happens in the meadow at dusk? NOTHING!, EVERYTHING!


"That HORRIBLE couple that Big and Carrie talk to at the wedding. Who would talk like that? "

I KNOW! Acting like it was so unbelievable and distasteful that they wouldn't want children. I suppose they were driving it home that Big and Carrie might feel unusual in their relationship, but to make that couple so terrible... it was unreal. "So it's just going to be" (gesture) "YOU TWO?" Um, shut up you witch.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


I cringed from the opening scene right through the closing credits!


I still stand firmly BY my defense of Samantha, aka the very classy Kimberly Cattrall who turned 55 this August 2011.

Everything she did, from being jumped on her bed up and down erotically, to "Dick Spurt" to "I have sex" to their last scene where she's sexually being humped again underneath the firewords with Carrie narrating "The land of free.....AND the land of the HORMONES..." LOL, shows her as a great American!

Kim Cattrall as Sammantha on the American Flag! [Even if she IS British or whatever.]

Steve Carras


When Carrie tells Big to knock one back so they can go to the premiere. After he's worked all day. And brought home Japanese take-out. Which freaks her out enough to insist he go out on the town. She's out of her gourd.

Sell crazy someplace else . . . we’re all stocked up here


I agree with most of the comments already stated.

I truly find Carrie and friends "spoiled," when it comes so take-away food, bltching about accommodations, live-in nannies, book reviews, etc.. Especially that scene where Charlotte and Miranda wonder how mothers without "help" survive and that Carrie's shoes could ever cost $20.

Why Charlotte needs a live-in nanny is anybody's guess. At least Miranda works.

Samantha's constant nymphomania got old, quick. Too one-dimensional.

The way Carrie nags at Big. That marriage would never last IRL. No TV? Come on!

The one point I didn't read above was how it was written repeatedly into the script how "hot" or beautiful Carrie looked, and how she wasn't like any other woman? As though the writer(s) had to convince us (and themselves?) that SJP is "so gorgeous," when we all know that's not true.

She hasn't aged well and should dress more maturely. In addition, Parker could do with a major makeover. Her hair style is all wrong. It mostly looked flat, greasy and elongates her face. A little plastic surgery wouldn't hurt, either. But just a little--not another puffy-faced 50 year old!

"Is IMDB an Institute of Learning or a Teenage Brothel?"


This movie was so poorly written and executed that it was painful in a cramp inducing manner.... A cringe would have been a relief.

And this is from a fan of the series. This film was an overlong, repetitive exercise that tried to pass off 3rd rate puns as wit. And running into a former fiancee in an Arabian bazaar????.... yeah... apparently no one involved in this effort had the guts to say "Rewrite". Sad... sad... sad...

"If it is not in the frame, it does not exist!"


"I am woman" - I don;t think I need to say any more.....
