Yes most definitely Samantha getting high as a kite when she was in the sand, making all those sexual innuendos whilsts falling on top of the other girls
and yes Carries outfit when she went to market
and yep Carrie acting as though her kissing a different guy was the most horrific experience she has been through in her entire lifetime, summoning all her friends together because she needs to "talk about it" again damn this is one needy woman. But those are some amazing friends she has, even Samantha who jumped out of the bathtub just to console her. Heck if that was me i'd just be shouting my answer out to her from the tub "it was just a kiss hun, whats the big deeeeaaaal?"
There are so many moments in this film that had me rolling my eyes...
* carries low cut outfits.. seemed like most of her outfits were so low cut, and had her boobs hanging out. It didn't look good at all, her arms and chest area look very skinny and old.
* Aiden saying to Carrie " *beep* you look good, you look hot" it was the worst she had looked for entire movie.
* dick Spirt
* Mid wife crisis, abu Dhabi Doo, and most of the other "clever" one liners
* Miranda screaming out car window, Miranda screaming at rugby players
*I am woman karaoke went way too long
* carrie acting like a spoilt brat the entire movie... what the hell is her problem?? her closet is bigger than my house lol
*Making the nanny gay. So if she was straight does that mean Harry would have cheated ?? give the poor guy some credit
*Most of the fashions were gross, especially when they were in the desert and on the camels.
* carrie can't believing that shoes only cost $20
* All of them dressed in burquas peeping around the corner
*Charlotte needing time off cause not having to work and having a full time nanny can be so stressful
SATC, imo, always had a poor handling of the gay community; gay men are not accessories, they're people. Yes, you do have gay men who are flamboyant and over the top, "jazz hands," but it seems like they just painted all gay men with the same brushstroke.
And I can accept Stanford and Anthony getting married; I think it's a fun idea that two opposites hooked up. But, the way it played out wasn't believable for their characters and what we've seen of them so far. I would've been sold if they'd been a couple but continued to bicker, like Fred and Ethel. But, the stereotypical wedding and "license to cheat" felt cheap and out of character.
The whole movie was cringe worthy actually, but, I really cringed when they had gay Arabian guy as one of their care takers. Must they know every gay guy on earth?
That thing that carrie wears on her head to the wedding.
The hissy fit miranda and charlotte have over having kids- They have nannies. You'd think by now that Miranda would have kind of gotten over being annoyed by her kid. He was old enough to be not too annoying.
A lot of the lines they used seem way out of character and fake.
The whole wedding itself.
All the puns.
The karaoke scene was just awkward.. it didn't seem like something the girls would really do.
The ladies showing off their clothing and whatnot and "idolizing" the girls. I can understand being envious cause they can't be themselves in the country, but, not idolizing them.
Sarah Jessica Parker ruined the movie for me. Her character was so unbelievably spoiled and braty that I could barely stand watching her. During the entire series she tries to get Big to love her and when she has him the only thing she does it complain. So what if he doesn't want to go out to a premier after WORKING all day. It is a monday night and I don't think it's normal for most people to throw on their best clothes to go to a Hollywood event. Dang, give the guy a break. Also, her reaction to his gift to her was terrible. He was being romantic and he actually put thought into it, and she pouted because he didn't get her jewelry? Are you kidding me?
I also really hated the way she treated Charlotte. That "I feel sorry for you because you don't get us," kind of look she gives her on the plane after explaining the break idea to her. THEN she snaps at her later on when Charlotte is trying to be supportive. Also, she expects everyone to fall all over her whether it's her husband, an ex-boyfriend, or her friends. Samantha literallly jumps out of the tub to come help her when her big "crisis" hits. Charlotte is supportive even though Carrie says that nasty thing to her before she runs off to meet Aidan. It really seems to me like this movie was trying very hard to stroke Sarah Jessica Parker's ego, but she came off looking like a witch because of it.
The other thing that bothered me was when Carrie states her theory about why the women have a veil across their mouths, "because they don't want them to have a voice." Seriously? That's what you came up with? I feel like throughout the movie men are vilified and I'm not even a man.
Also, Samantha screaming at the men in the souk was just embarrassing. I'm an American woman and I would NEVER do that, and I don't know anyone who would. That was childish and inappropriate.
If the biggest problems these women have are things like their marriage getting boring, whether or not their nanny wears a bra, flying coach, or their ridiculously expensive vintage skirt being ruined while baking in it then they have pretty good lives. I don't think these women would last a day in the inexpensive shoes of any normal woman.
"If there is a beast in men, it meets its match in women"
Also, Samantha screaming at the men in the souk was just embarrassing. I'm an American woman and I would NEVER do that, and I don't know anyone who would. That was childish and inappropriate. -----------------
I wouldnt either, when you visit a foriegn country in this case the Middle east first off before You go you need to familirize yourself with the custom and laws, if your locked up abroard the US consulate is not going to run to get you out. If there custom is a certain type of clothing you do your best to follow that you dont blantantly disreguard the custom because you are A American, You maybe a American but you are not in America anymore. I wouldnt expect a American woman to wear a Burka but cover your hair,your bare shoulders and cover your legs wear a long skirt if you have to. You dont wander out in your daisy dukes and a show your Midriff. Some Countries in the Middle east are more progressive but not all are.
Sláinte I am who I am your approval isnt needed or required.
I tried to watch this movie as a parody (which it was) and yet so many moments were simply outrageous...
- The way those spoiled delusional women behaved in Abu Dhabi, especially Carrie and Samantha. The moment where Carrie annoyed me the most was when those women with burkas were having lunch... Okay Carrie, we get it - you're the woman who have slept probably with the whole New York but can't you at least attempt to understand a different culture?! I mean Carrie is the woman who on her first date with Big wore a piece of fabric that could barely cover her bum and breast and had sex with him before even they had dinner yet she has the gut to shame other women for their way of life.
As for Samantha, I'm referring to the scene when she's half naked, surrounded by condoms and screaming that yes, she has sex. If it was a 20 years old woman it would have been shameful. For a 50 years old one it's more than sad... I am very opened up about sex yet the way how everything about Samantha screams that she's a nymphomaniac is very disturbing. Yes, sex is one of the best experiences of life and almost everyone loves it but could she maybe consider it's not the only great thing in life? Not to mention the fact that she could have attempted to understand the different ways of the country and accept other culture.. so rude and disgusting.
- Charlotte and her not being able to cope with two children and a full time nanny... um what?! Wasn't this show aimed to represent the modern woman? How many actual women are as spoiled and superficial like those in SATC?!
- Carrie, absolutely every scene with her made me cringe. Like, whining all through the seasons of SATC that Big can't settle down and now that he settled she can't accept that a working man might want to have a moment of piece in the evening.
Or her not wanting to cook or not caring about anything besides her closet and shoes. Who on earth would want to go to a restaurant for every freaking meal? And going all freaked over a take out food? What?
Going insane over getting a TV as a present and not jewelry. Yeah, I do find Big's present not so much for her as it is for him but still... could she not be more spoiled?
Or watching TV at the end with a gown? Does this woman ever just sits down and relax? How many women actually are like her, insisting to go out to clubs all the time, every day? Even 20 years olds aren't like that, for a 40 years old woman this behavour is kind of pathetic.
SJP... well, I don't want to insult her but the writers shouldn't have tried to present her as hot and gorgeous as we all have eyes and see how she actually looks.
The whole Aiden thing, too forced and unrealistic. Does anyone expects the viewers to believe that this father of three children would fall for the woman who not only looks horrid but has broken his heart not once but twice? And she didn't want to marry him because she said she can't marry yet now she's married to another man? And why does Carry cheats on Aiden with Big and then goes and cheat on Big with Aiden?
I feel I should stop now, I could literally say something for every scene of this movie. Not a single line was good, not a single scene or outfit was appropriate.
However, I should point that two moments of this movie gave me great pleasure, especially after I felt fed up with the characters. The first one is when Carrie received the bad review... I mean, she totally deserved it, I can't buy her as a serious writer or a writer at all. And what does she know about marriage, I'd say nothing at all? If you have to take a weekend from you marriage every week then something's wrong.
And the second was when that guy refused to pay the women's expenses after Samantha was so disrespectful towards the man's country and customs. "Kiss", yeah right... no one would buy that they only kissed. He should have made them pay for the whole trip.
About Samantha. It's understandable that she would freak. She had just been let out of prison for yes having sex (but the guy wasn't punished surprise surprise), she's menopausal, and a guy has just ripped her bag open and spilled everything on the ground and guys are circling her condemning her. I mean who wouldn't freak? Those guys were being so sexist and rude. How about helping her? Eh no better to circle her threateningly and condemn her.
And I totally get why carrie would be upset about the veil. Yes she didn't have to wear one but did those women at the other table have a choice? Somehow I doubt that. So what she's actually looking at is sexism incarnate.
And about Charlotte and the nanny. If I had a child like Rose that cried 24/7 I would get a nanny too. The child would make most people lose their mind. So the nanny is probably there just to give Charlotte a break so she doesn't smash her (or the child's) head up against a wall.