MovieChat Forums > The World's End (2013) Discussion > 'This is the End' has a higher rating......

'This is the End' has a higher rating... americans.

The World's End was refreshing, hilarious, deep, smart, dynamic and touching at the same time.

How the hell that stupid, pointless movie about idiot celebrities is better than this movie?
Pineapple Express was funny, but This is the End is not even close to it.

I also noticed a pretty big difference in age demographics comparing these movies. Maybe this explains everything.



Both movies were a huge disappointment. At least This is the End had some clever inside jokes... The World's End was trying too hard to be smart.


At least This is the End had some clever inside jokes

What movie did you watch, the entire movie was utter bull. I found only one single time in the whole film that I was remotely amused and that was when they where talking about raping Hermione when she was on the other side of the door. It was a beyond useless movie, utter crap with the worst actors in Hollywood. I adore movie / tv shows with witty inside jokes, pop culture references This Is The End had none, I found it all crap. The World's End was smart without trying too hard at all.

"*beep* me gently with a chainsaw" Heathers


To the OP:

I always find it humorous that guys like you refer to Americans as if we're all the same, hold the same opinions, and so on. I'm sure Brits just love being told how they *all* love football, *all* drink tea, *all* love the Royal Family and so on. Why is it OK for you to throw all Americans into the same category? You sound like you've only met one or two Americans in your whole life and never been to the states. And, if you have been to the US, you should know better.


Since OP posted, The World's End passed This is the End in ratings. Also on average Americans rated The World's End a 7.7 and non-US gave it a 7.2. OP is an idiot.



This is the End is way funnier. People from UK have terrible sense of humor and make terrible comedies.



When americans start to bash their chest, saying how the best they are, it's so much fun for me.
They don't realize, that they aren't even "americans", but just bunch of europeans who stole the indian's land.
Even their language isn't theirs.
If it wasn't for the europeans, you "americans" would be running naked with a rag on your ass and a spear.
Chris Rock said it well, that you're just lucky to be born on this land and even foreigners who struggled their whole life to come to America are more americans than you.


I guess us stupid Americans can at least use Google.

That would be "we stupid Americans"




I'm American and "This is the End" is on my Top 10 worst films of 2013. It's actually #8 so far.


You Americans who feel the need to justify yourself to all the USA hating trolls out there make me sick.
