MovieChat Forums > Moneyball (2011) Discussion > Why are all US sports so boring?

Why are all US sports so boring?

The USA has given the world many great things in the fields of Technology,Fashion, Music,Film etc etc.However when it comes to Sports the US is a disaster.Basically, very few outside the US have any interest at all in a single sport that the Americans invented.Baseball- I believe only the Cubans and Japanese play or have any interest in it.American Football-popular nowhere outside the USA.Basketball-yes its popular in quite a few countries but mainly countries which are bad at soccer (Eastern Europe,China etc.In major European sporting countries like Germany, France, the UK its dead). Volleyball- a niche sport at best.The famous (in the USA)athletes who play these sports could walk naked down any street around the world and not get a second glance.


Baseball has the best fans. 99% of the people at a baseball time are in a really good mood and having a great time, win or lose. I went to a Red Sox-Giants game in San Francisco this season where there were so many Boston fans in the stadium that they drowned out the Giants fans, but we were all laughing and joking around together. Even the most diehard fans know it's just a game and that we're all there to have fun.

If soccer's such a great game then why does it bring out the worst in its fans? I wouldn't go near a soccer stadium if you paid me - being around angry violent people is not my idea of a fun time. I'll take baseball any day.


It's something I'm very curious about as an Australian. The big American spots of NFL and baseball are ultimately quite close to rugby and cricket, but they seem to be structured in a very strangely regimented way that maximises stoppages and constrains the range of outcomes possible. I'm genuinely curious about why exactly Americans find this brand of sport more entertaining, as from an outside perspective it seems as though they like their contests tightly focused and specialised.

I suspect the problem is that you have too many paperclips up your nose


You have to be American to understand the relevance of our country National Pastime...

I will say when England cried for help in WW2 Churchill on his knees, our boys showed up and guess what they carried on their Alice packs, a baseball mitt to play catch.

...A simple thanks will suffice Limey.
