"The Pink Panther 2" represents everything that is wrong with Hollywood today. A terrible sequel to a terrible remake. Why even bother to make a second one after the FIRST one crapped all over Peter Seller's legacy? Didn't it used to be that Hollywood only made sequels to GOOD films? And why remake the Pink Panther in the first place? Become nobody today has heard of Peter Sellers or Blake Edwards? Please.

Even if this film SOMEHOW managed to defy all odds and be up there with Steve Martin's great film work in his heyday like "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" and "The Jerk", it STILL wouldn't hold a candle to the real second Pink Panther film, "A Shot in the Dark", which was and will remain an absolute MASTERPIECE of cinema among a broad consensus of audiences and critics alike.

At least Tim Burton was kind enough to spare us his original plans of doing "Planet of the Apes 2" after his godawful "reimagining" of the first one tanked.

(By the way, with "Apes" and "Panther" being "reimagined", it seems the term "reimagining" is Hollywood codeword for "replaced everything that was good about the original movie with soulless garbage") These films were "imagined" perfectly the first time, so Hollywood serves no purpose in trying to re-invent the wheel.)

I guess Steve Martin has no such shame. Oh, and even the guy who butched the first one (Shawn Levy) isn't willing to screw up The Pink Panther legacy anymore, leaving "Harald Zwart" (whose main claim to fame is "Agent Cody Banks") to direct this pitiful attempt to get more gullible audience cash by having a famous movies titles. By the way, according to IMDB, his next project is a "reimagining" of The Karate Kid. Oh goody. Maybe he can "reimagine" The Godfather next and cast remake leaders Adam Sadler as Michael Corleone, with Steve Martin as the Don himself.

In short -- AVOID this movie like the plague. Don't go see it in theaters, don't rent it, don't even illegally download it. Make sure you send a message loud and clear to Hollywood to stop with the horrid remakes and sequels. Spare us "The Pink Panther 3", and maybe they'll produce something original and creative for a change.




Is Dakota Fanning legal, yet?


I am of a different opinion. I love the original Peter Sellers series, and I own them all on DVDs, and I watched them countless times and I love Pink Panther and Shot in the Dark, obviously. But I laughed at Steve Martin's rendition. I think it is silly and funny and both me and my wife laughed. No one is comparing Steve Martin to Peter Sellers, they don't even look alike, and they are different actors, and Martin does not even try to play it like Sellers. It is clearly understood. With that in mind, I am looking forward laughing. The original movies were shot in a different era. Get over it. Noone is crapping on Seller's legacy; just let people enjoy silly fun movies like this, who cares? Why boycott it? Everyone has seen the originals.


Thank you, absolutic! I'm sick of all of this hatred over a sequel that's not even released yet.

Weird is the new normal.


Guys, stay on topic. Is Dakota Fanning legal or not?


"I'm sick of all of this hatred over a sequel that's not even released yet. "

I think it's good that at least some people draw a line. Too many remakes and sequels these days (I'm still annoyed by the remake of "let the right one in" planned for 2010). Either it's a weaker copy of the original or a crappy sequel, harming the image of the other movies. If you pay for that movie you give producers a reason to make further more.



FI*gitttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip999999999999999rtgrtio9p99tgtg gt r tiuf

"Welcome to Errf" - Will Smith


Starting a Boycott on a message board = epic fail



Weird is the new normal.


But think about it....Why make a sequel to a movie that was horrible and painfully unfunny in the first place?
Seriously, you can make a pretty good amount of money on there


Orrrr wait .... they could make a sequel to a movie that was decent and funny to some people. Cause ya know, people have different tastes. Or so I thought ...



It's not trying to be the original series. Stop comparing them together.

"Who died and made you president Nixon?"
- Peter Griffin


Seeing ads for this movie in the mall or on television gives you the same reaction you get when you see the same rabid raccoon from last year who chased you around the house returning for round two: "Dear God, I thought they had gotten rid of it!"


Boycott? Sure. Here? Nah.

You see, the studios don't give a rat's ass about boycotts on a web-site. Even if it is the "revered, holiest of the holies, mother superior IMDB".

Studio heads don't care about the viewers, fans or even films they themselves made 20 years ago. All they care about is cold, hard cash. And why do they make "re-imaginings", you say? They make money. Lots and lots and looots of money, and they get shot very quickly because there's no need for an entirely new idea, concept, film technique. Rip off the old and sell it as the "new old". does it insult our intelligence? You bet.

Yet, are we really as intelligent as we think we are? The studios think we have an IQ lower than Mini-Me's shoe size. And guess what, they prove themselves right. Just look at box-office results.

What we need, boys and girls, is an old-fashioned, torch & pitchfork hippie extravaganza more commonly known as a demonstration.

Grab a marker, a 10-foot sheet, write an ear-pleasing parole, get together with your friends, roll in front of the studio gate, call the press and start screaming: "Hell no, we won't go!!!

Do it at your local cinema, the Oscars, on ICQ, at your grandmothers', the ball park. Make your voice heard, not read.

The spice must flow!


Regardless of whether or not it's called a boycott, DO NOT waste your ten dollars on this film. See Mall Cop if you really need a generic family comedy with silly physical humor.


Oh lighten up. It's just a movie. If some people get a few chuckles out of it, then so's their money.


Oh lighten up. It's just a movie. If some people get a few chuckles out of it, then so's their money.

And what about the people that don't get a few chuckles out of it? Do they get their money back?

Tomato, tomato.


"And what about the people that don't get a few chuckles out of it? Do they get their money back?"

Read a review by a critic you trust. Wait for word of mouth. It's not rocket-science.


Oh lighten up. It's just a movie. If some people get a few chuckles out of it, then so's their money.

Because Return of the Pink Panther is my favorite movie ever. For hollywood to remake it in such a *beep* way is a huge insult to me.

Honestly, if Sellers were still alive he would boycott this.


"Because Return of the Pink Panther is my favorite movie ever. For hollywood to remake it in such a *beep* way is a huge insult to me."

Perhaps you need to re-evaluate your priorities in life. I love A Shot in the Dark. But there are far more important things in life than the Pink Panther movies.

"Honestly, if Sellers were still alive he would boycott this."

Maybe he would. Maybe he wouldn't. Perhaps he manage to keep things in perspective.

Movies don't cure cancer and they won't usher in world peace. They are entertainment. I think it's silly to invest oneself emotionally in them so much.
