"The Pink Panther 2" represents everything that is wrong with Hollywood today. A terrible sequel to a terrible remake. Why even bother to make a second one after the FIRST one crapped all over Peter Seller's legacy? Didn't it used to be that Hollywood only made sequels to GOOD films? And why remake the Pink Panther in the first place? Become nobody today has heard of Peter Sellers or Blake Edwards? Please.

Even if this film SOMEHOW managed to defy all odds and be up there with Steve Martin's great film work in his heyday like "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" and "The Jerk", it STILL wouldn't hold a candle to the real second Pink Panther film, "A Shot in the Dark", which was and will remain an absolute MASTERPIECE of cinema among a broad consensus of audiences and critics alike.

At least Tim Burton was kind enough to spare us his original plans of doing "Planet of the Apes 2" after his godawful "reimagining" of the first one tanked.

(By the way, with "Apes" and "Panther" being "reimagined", it seems the term "reimagining" is Hollywood codeword for "replaced everything that was good about the original movie with soulless garbage") These films were "imagined" perfectly the first time, so Hollywood serves no purpose in trying to re-invent the wheel.)

I guess Steve Martin has no such shame. Oh, and even the guy who butched the first one (Shawn Levy) isn't willing to screw up The Pink Panther legacy anymore, leaving "Harald Zwart" (whose main claim to fame is "Agent Cody Banks") to direct this pitiful attempt to get more gullible audience cash by having a famous movies titles. By the way, according to IMDB, his next project is a "reimagining" of The Karate Kid. Oh goody. Maybe he can "reimagine" The Godfather next and cast remake leaders Adam Sadler as Michael Corleone, with Steve Martin as the Don himself.

In short -- AVOID this movie like the plague. Don't go see it in theaters, don't rent it, don't even illegally download it. Make sure you send a message loud and clear to Hollywood to stop with the horrid remakes and sequels. Spare us "The Pink Panther 3", and maybe they'll produce something original and creative for a change.




Absolutely! Total garbage.


I've disagreed with slc in the past but on this point we agree. I didn't see the first movie and don't plan to see this one and as much as I like Steve Martin, the trailers I've seen on TV and in theaters don't do justice to Peter Sellers. Sellers was brilliant in all his stints as Inspector Clouseau.


It's sad that this movie was even made. The first one(steve martin version)was absolutely terrible. This one was given the go ahead because the first one made money. Given that logic why don't good movies like The Shawshank Redemption get sequels. Oh I know, it's because some people realize when you should stop before you ruin a franchise. Unfortunately they should have stopped this franchise when Peter Sellers died. There is only one Indiana Jones(Harrison Ford), and there is only one Inspector Closeau(Peter Sellers)!!!


Its a bit hypocritical to slate the people who are making this movie because the first one made money, why did Peter Sellers return again and again to a role he had grown tired with and be a complete nightmare to work with? Why did Blake Edwards make Pink Panther films with out-takes from previous Pink Panther films after Peter Sellers had died and continue to a flog a dead horse with yet more dire Pink Panther movies? Blake Edwards himself was willing to taint the earlier films legacy so whats the difference now?



Welcome to IMDB UnrealSpiritX, you must be new if you have you have never read people bashing films they haven't seen yet.



So, shouldn't you be used to it? That's partially what this site is for.. for people to rant and rave about films no matter how many lines they care to use. I heavily doubt your opinion regarding his choice and 1st amendmant right to give a summation of his feelings will change anything.

I'm bringing sexy back!


Why did you waste time to respond to his bad review?

Anyway, Boycott this movie i will, the first one was awful but i also agree that the original franchise soon turned into a low quality money making machine.

I remember when Steve Martin was funny. Things were different then...


They made it worse by casting the mannequin - Ash


Even if you could successfully boycott this movie....

...what would it matter? Steve Martin would just appear in another atrocious remake of something else. It's what he does these days.

It'd make an eerie horror story: comedian shoots to fame, earning glory and riches while working brilliantly at the top of his abilities for five years or so. One day he loses the knack for comic invention yet, trapped like a fly on sticky paper, he REMAINS famous - long, long after he's exhausted of stardom, doomed to churn out the kind of crap he once represented the antithesis of, for the rest of his life.

Where's Rod Serling when you need him?


Even if you could successfully boycott this movie....
...what would it matter? Steve Martin would just appear in another atrocious remake of something else. It's what he does these days.

Then we'll boycott those as well and continuing boycotting every pathetic remake until his films lose millions of dollars and he gets the message. At least when Steve Martin did Little Shop of Horrors and Father of the Bride, he made GOOD remakes.


Its a bit hypocritical to slate the people who are making this movie because the first one made money, why did Peter Sellers return again and again to a role he had grown tired with and be a complete nightmare to work with? Why did Blake Edwards make Pink Panther films with out-takes from previous Pink Panther films after Peter Sellers had died and continue to a flog a dead horse with yet more dire Pink Panther movies? Blake Edwards himself was willing to taint the earlier films legacy so whats the difference now?

The difference between the "bad" films in the original series and the "bad" films in the reboot series can be boiled down to respect and acknowledgment of the original movie.

Obviously the aim both times was to make money, but films like "Inspector Closeau", "Trail of the Pink Panther" and "Son of the Pink Panther" acknowledged the brillance of the original and made an earnest (if failed) attempt to continue the legacy and recapture the spirit that made the franchise so successful. They didn't try to "reimagine" them.

Blake Edwards had directed the first two films, so obviously his later inferior entries were trying to build on his older body of work. He tried to keep the story moving forward and find actors who could carry on Peter Seller's brillance with "Closeau like" characthers (since Edwards acknowledged there could be only ONE person that could capture Closeau himself). He tried and failed three times, and yes he was motivated by greed in trying to squeeze more money out of a dying frachise, but he has to be given credit for trying to keep the original vision alive.

"Trail of the Pink Panther" had a few funny bits from leftover Closeau footage (which would have been better used a deleted scenes featurette tribute, but in 1982 there were on DVDs and Edwards wrongly decided to cobble in together into a movie so viewers could see Seller's excellent work on scene again) Even the really awful "Curse of the Pink Panther" had one or two amusing scenes, particularly Roger Moore's dead on impersonation of Sellers when he's playing Closeau after he had reconstructive surgery "to look like Roger Moore". And while "Son of the Pink Panther" had a bottom of the barrel script, Roberto Beinligi and Herbert Lom put forth a real effort to create the feel of the older Panther movies, completely unlike Steve Martin who was just going through the motions (of playing an idiot that had nothing in common with Edwards films) to collect his paycheck.

"Inspector Closeau" was written by the same people who had written many of the best films in the series like "Return of the Pink Panther" and was meant as a Peter Sellers film. AFTER Peter Sellers turned it down, Alan Arkin accepted the role, and did not try to "reinvent" the characther, but tried to do his best to recreate the role without sounding too much like a Peter Sellers clone. The results were so-so, but the script actually had some pretty fun bits and Arkin was amusing in his own right (though nowhere on the level of Sellers). "Inspector Closeau" would have worked fine as a Sellers film, compared to Steve Martin's "The Pink Panther", which totally ignored everything that made the original great and would never have been made with Sellers playing a role written for Steve Martin.

And as for the lesser entries by Sellers, he always was fun and amazing in the role, even when the script didn't reach the level of his performance.

In short, the folks who made "Inspector Closeau" and the three Sellers-less Panthers gave their best attempt to bring back the spirit of the old movies, and failed, but since nobody knew that until we saw the movie, there's no reason why we shouldn't have at leasted checked out the film and given them a chance.

Compare that to Steve Martin's movies that have nothing in common with the REAL Pink Panther movies except a title and a few characthers with the same names (but are nothing alike) the characthers from the original films. They in NO WAY want to continue the legacy of the "dated" originals -- this is a "reboot" and "Reimaging" that could care less what made the old movies work. The only reason they use the title is try to get gullible people in the theater who recognize the name. The first Steve Martin film was COMPLETELY UNFUNNY and a disasterous take that crapped on everything that made the original so good. Why would we waste time giving him a second chance when it's clear this movie is going to do the same thing? Calling the 11th Pink Panther movie "Pink Panther 2" is acknowledgement by the filmmakers that they want nothing to do with the first nine films. Which is why I, as a fan of the REAL pink panther franchise, want nothing to do with this phony turd.


Thanks for the witty insight and comments. Obviously you must know nothing about movies if you think this will good. By the way you don't need to see a movie to know it will suck. Like The Curious Case of Benjamin Butthead, I did not want to see it because I knew it would suck, but My wife and family insisted that it would be great, they were wrong it sucked! Maybe you should spend your time commenting on the movies from now on and not on other people's comments about movies!!!


It used to be that one or two crummy movies could derail an actor's career for years--that provided a system of "checks and balances" against Hollywood's turning out junk! The better actors would 'pass' on trashy scripts, 'C' list actors would make them out of desperation, and the end-result would land on the backrack at 'RentaFlick'. However, with today's washed-down sense of artistic appreciation, even fine actors like Al Pacino and Harrison Ford will accept idiot scripts.

Yes, films that are universally panned still draw big audiences, IF they have a 'big name' cast. Examples are countless. Well, the only way to recognize junk is to view great cinematography--and discern what makes it so. Sadly, audiences under 30 have been force-fed mainly rotten adventure/suspense flicks with CG effects and feeble, tired comedies for years now -- they don't know the difference between mediocre and quality. Audiences that grew up in the 60's and 70's still watched--and appreciated-- films from the 30's and 40's. Modern audiences have no sense of 'what went before' - no sense of cinematic culture.

Now, Peter Sellers was a brilliant radio comic before he made films. The early 'Clouseau' movies were great fun, and the gags still work, even if Blake Edwards
pushed the envelope too far later on. The British seem to get 'wit'.

However, by and large, the Hollywood Comedy is 'dead' - it died about 20 years ago - and everyone missed the funeral. )--: And people keep saying, "Why aren't films funny anymore?"

:-) canuckteach (--:


awwww poor brits, always the victim and never tired of portraying themselves so.


I also feel the same about Steve Martin and his role in Sgt Bilko.




And here you see how to strikingly present a great argument: write everything in caps, go easy on complete sentences and abbreviate a word which originally consists of 3 letters. that way you will bring your point across and people will carefully weigh in your notion in their reasoning.

"See it and then judge it", you say. That's a reasonable statement, in principle. But being aware of the background information concerning the movie, it's history and it's makers, AND buying a full price ticket for that cash-in would be full blown lunacy. Be smart about it and wait a month for the dvd release at your local gas-station, if you must see it.

I do not want to appear rude, I'm just observing.


yeah...i saw it for free

reply criticism did not address the fact whether you paid for it or not. I was questioning the merit of your recommendation to watch the movie.


I saw that this was being made and wanted to add my voice to the already murmuring crowd.
This will be an abomination like the first Martin 'Panther', not funny, not entertaining the hole in the digital land fill
is already being dug.
Many things have to change in the 21st century and we would go a long way if the powers behind making this kind of pap
had some kind of taste and barometer that has their learning curve set to steep on the evolving of their intelligence; but that's drawing a
long bow on the assumption that they have any to begin with.
All those against the dumbing down of movies scream loud and long, I am with you.


I hear you loud and clear. Any remake of a Peter Sellers film will be a shame. I still lafe when i see them again and again.

The cast is a sell out not only Steve Martin (Have he ever made a great movie?) but also Jean Reno (What do he do in this movie?)and John Cleese. They should all retire after this .....well can´t even find a word that cover this walk over Peter Seller's legacy. See that was a man that was great to THE END!!

Shame on Hollywood for this rape on The Pink Panther, not a one time rape but two times.Shame on you!!


The cast is a sell out not only Steve

Qu'est que c'est? How is the cast "a sell out?" What makes each one of them sellouts exactly?

Im dying to read this one ....


I only read '"The Pink Panther 2" represents everything that is wrong with Hollywood today.' and i thougt "AMEN to that!" so i'm pretty sure i'm with you on the rest as well.

I'll boycott this 'til the day i die...

I'm supposed to put my signature here...we'll see about that


It hurts to see Steve Martin reduced to doing crap like this. Has he not made enough money doing good film like L. A. STORY and PARENTHOOD that he can get along without lame remakes like this and the gosh-awful FATHER OF THE BRIDE? I can just see him standing on Hollywood Boulevard holding a sign saying "Will Do Crap for Money".
