"The Pink Panther 2" represents everything that is wrong with Hollywood today. A terrible sequel to a terrible remake. Why even bother to make a second one after the FIRST one crapped all over Peter Seller's legacy? Didn't it used to be that Hollywood only made sequels to GOOD films? And why remake the Pink Panther in the first place? Become nobody today has heard of Peter Sellers or Blake Edwards? Please.
Even if this film SOMEHOW managed to defy all odds and be up there with Steve Martin's great film work in his heyday like "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" and "The Jerk", it STILL wouldn't hold a candle to the real second Pink Panther film, "A Shot in the Dark", which was and will remain an absolute MASTERPIECE of cinema among a broad consensus of audiences and critics alike.
At least Tim Burton was kind enough to spare us his original plans of doing "Planet of the Apes 2" after his godawful "reimagining" of the first one tanked.
(By the way, with "Apes" and "Panther" being "reimagined", it seems the term "reimagining" is Hollywood codeword for "replaced everything that was good about the original movie with soulless garbage") These films were "imagined" perfectly the first time, so Hollywood serves no purpose in trying to re-invent the wheel.)
I guess Steve Martin has no such shame. Oh, and even the guy who butched the first one (Shawn Levy) isn't willing to screw up The Pink Panther legacy anymore, leaving "Harald Zwart" (whose main claim to fame is "Agent Cody Banks") to direct this pitiful attempt to get more gullible audience cash by having a famous movies titles. By the way, according to IMDB, his next project is a "reimagining" of The Karate Kid. Oh goody. Maybe he can "reimagine" The Godfather next and cast remake leaders Adam Sadler as Michael Corleone, with Steve Martin as the Don himself.
In short -- AVOID this movie like the plague. Don't go see it in theaters, don't rent it, don't even illegally download it. Make sure you send a message loud and clear to Hollywood to stop with the horrid remakes and sequels. Spare us "The Pink Panther 3", and maybe they'll produce something original and creative for a change.