Most annoying character

I thought SJP's character was the most irritating and unlikeable person in the entire film. From the board topics, it seems like most people had problems with the family, but I thought their quirks actually made them relatable and interesting. SJP's character on the other hand had no redeeming qualities (other than good taste in Christmas gifts.) The entire time she was onscreen I just wanted to gauge my eyes and eardrums out.

This movie would have been so much better if they'd tweaked that character a bit; or perhaps cast an actress who could have made the character likeable.


Amy! Ugh.


the mother was the most annoying character!



The self-righteous presumptuous holier-than-thou bully (mother).

I'm a seeker too. But my dreams aren't like yours...


The mother was annoying for not giving Everett her mother's wedding ring and Meredith was irritating when she cleared her throat to start speaking x


I found Julie and Everett to be the most annoying characters. It seems like they were viewed as the "perfect" ones, could to no wrong. I just found them irritating. The rest of the characters seemed more relatable and believable.



Claire Danes really annoyed me in this movie.


UGH! Who to pick???

THE BRATTY AMY: Loathed her. It wasn't enough she hated Meredith, she had to make sure everyone else did too.

THE NASTY MOM: Your son picked her. Practice what you preach about tolerance, you cow. I didn't care she died either. Movie FAIL.

THAD: I was so glad to see more Thad-haters. I wanted to strangle him when they were ring-shopping and he just shook his head at Everett when asked why he didn't like her. Either say why you don't like her or shaddup, you passive-agressive wuss.

HER CRUMMY SISTER: Sees the family being cold to Meredith, lets them fawn over her, goes after Everett (ew, why?)…barf.

Sorry. Would have liked it if SJP had told them all to shove it and left in five minutes. :D

"We want the finest wines available to humanity. We want them here and we want them now."


I think the characters in this movie are the most horrible group I have ever seen. While I see flaws with Meredith & Luke Wilson's characters, they do have some redeeming qualities.

The rest are awful, just horrible. After the initial treatment, Meredith should have ran back to the city. Who in their right mind would want to marry into this family?

The Mother, cancer or no, should have behaved better, & since they adored her, she could have made the others behave better. In some scenes, she seemed so childish and immature it astounded me. Truly horrible.

But Amy, she is by far the worst. She disliked Meredith for a trivial reason, before Meredith ever got there! Yes, maybe they were protective but did they put the deaf son's partner & the older sister's husband through the same treatment? Oh, no, they couldn't do that, it wouldn't have been "PC."

Rachel McAdams was just rude, childish, hateful, just impossible for me to see any likable qualities. I saw parts of this movie on TV 4 years & disliked it. but maybe if I saw the whole thing it would make more sense. I have & it's even worse. Wasn't a big fan of McAdams before, but I haven't watched a movie she's been in since. I just can't watch her without thinking about her smirking, viscous face snarling at Meredith.

And for those who say we "don't understand it," we do. I get it, but I think the writers and directors got out of control and went way too far. I don't have a perfect family but we sure don't treat each other like this at holidays. Feel sorry for anyone whose family does.


But Amy, she is by far the worst. She disliked Meredith for a trivial reason, before Meredith ever got there! Yes, maybe they were protective but did they put the deaf son's partner & the older sister's husband through the same treatment? Oh, no, they couldn't do that, it wouldn't have been "PC."

To be entirely fair, they do mention that Amy wasn't happy about Patrick either. When she says, "Patrick, I love you", Thad says, "That took years." Doesn't excuse Amy's behavior of course. If anything, you'd think she'd learn after the Patrick situation that first impressions aren't always fair. Or that, you know ... she was just being a cow for no reason at all.
