One to add for part 2:
Where Prior meets his replacement (Joe) at the Justice Office. I think that scene is the funniest effing things I have seen in my life.
"You should be resting at home."
"I have a hobby now. Haunting people. *beep* home. I wanna meet my replacement." *opens door* "Oh...oh god."
"Yes, can I help you?"
"No, no. I'm a prophet."
"Prophet!! Prophet. I prophesy, I have sight, I see. What do you do?"
"I'm a clerk."
"Oh, big deal a clerk? You what, you file things? YOU BETTER KEEP A FILE ON ALL THE HEARTS YOU BREAK. That's all that's gonna count in the end. You'll have bills to pay in the world to come, you and your friend the whore of Babylon....sorry, wrong room."
*to Belize* "He's the Marlboro man!"
"I wanna see." ... "Sweet Lord Jesus."
"What? What is this? Hey, I know you."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do, you're Roy Cohn's nurse."
"No, not a nur-nur-nurse...we all look alike to you, you all look alike to us. It's a mad mad world." *closes door quickly* "*something* and spurs; now girl, we gotta get you home."
"Mega butch! He made me feel beyond Nelly, like whispy daisies coming out of my ears."
"You said something about my this about Louis? Is he..."
"Is he WHAT? Sad? Hot? Happy? Talk to him yourself, BULWINKLE! What do I look like, a marriage counselor?"
Art. It's art.
Probably one of Belize's least-smooth moments, as my brother says.
And another fav quote: "You make no sense. The republican party...the republican party is...I mean I hate the democrats too, but the /republicans!/"