your ONE favorite scene

okay, I'll go easy... you get one favorite in Part 1 and one favorite in Part 2. Pick 'em and weep.

(I acknowledge that this is a bit of a steal from GI's 'SINGLE favorite line' thread, but oh well. I guess I'm tired of seeing all the angry trollbait threads at the top of the board.) Come on kids, let's have some fun! Remember fun? Favorite scenes.... go!


One to add for part 2:

Where Prior meets his replacement (Joe) at the Justice Office. I think that scene is the funniest effing things I have seen in my life.

"You should be resting at home."
"I have a hobby now. Haunting people. *beep* home. I wanna meet my replacement." *opens door* "Oh...oh god."
"Yes, can I help you?"
"No, no. I'm a prophet."
"Prophet!! Prophet. I prophesy, I have sight, I see. What do you do?"
"I'm a clerk."
"Oh, big deal a clerk? You what, you file things? YOU BETTER KEEP A FILE ON ALL THE HEARTS YOU BREAK. That's all that's gonna count in the end. You'll have bills to pay in the world to come, you and your friend the whore of Babylon....sorry, wrong room."
*to Belize* "He's the Marlboro man!"
"I wanna see." ... "Sweet Lord Jesus."
"What? What is this? Hey, I know you."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do, you're Roy Cohn's nurse."
"No, not a nur-nur-nurse...we all look alike to you, you all look alike to us. It's a mad mad world." *closes door quickly* "*something* and spurs; now girl, we gotta get you home."
"Mega butch! He made me feel beyond Nelly, like whispy daisies coming out of my ears."


"You said something about my this about Louis? Is he..."
"Is he WHAT? Sad? Hot? Happy? Talk to him yourself, BULWINKLE! What do I look like, a marriage counselor?"

Art. It's art.
Probably one of Belize's least-smooth moments, as my brother says.

And another fav quote: "You make no sense. The republican party...the republican party is...I mean I hate the democrats too, but the /republicans!/"


That was an amazing scene!


This is a really hard question 'cause there are so many of them!

The edramatic ending of the chapter 2

When Belize gives his speech to Louis near Bethesda.

"You mean like... No eskimo in Antarctica?"


Well, I wanna speak here too. I have two favorite scenes in this movie, both including Louis. The first one is a scene cut in two parts, of him sedusing Joe, begining with their meeting in the park and ending with their kiss in the Louis's apartment, this all is so erotic, compared to this two beloved "Brokeback Mountine" cowboys just nervously smoke aside (as we say in Russia). And the second one is Louis and Ethel pray for Roy. Watched that scene countless times, still it makes me get excited. And I do agree with those people who said here before that Ben is a great actor


aw 2 many to pick out!! but i feel i must!! lol

Part 1: harper realizes who joe is, an freaks! tis a powerfully acted scene between the two an they pull it off superbly!! tis jst brill!!

Part 2: too many to choose,its either Prior speaking at the end,like his last lil speech,how the disease will not b the end of them. Or wen Hannah speaks to Prior about how "an angel si a belief, with wings and arms that can carry you, its not to be afraid of. And if it cant hold ya for somethin new!" tis great an d msuic is jst beautiful!!



Yeah Blagger.... I haven't seen the film in ages but I do remember LOVING all those shots when Prior is cast out of Heaven. Funny, if you look close you'll see he's wearing some rubber espadrilles when he dives into that hospital bed, which aren't there when he gets in the water. A rare Nichols oversight. (For dorks like me to notice, apparently...)


Part a 3-way tie: Prior/Harper dream sequence, Moon River & Harper in Antartcia. "That's what we'll do. We'll mend"

Part 2. Hannah confronting Joe. "How can you govern your life by what you want? Hold to what you believe."


Harper and Prior's mutual hallucination/dream, beautifully written... perfect.

"Angry Men Don't Write the Rules. And Guns Don't Right the Wrongs"~ Assassins


Prior tails Joe to the office where his mom is working:

' he's a MORMON?????'

LOL !!!

also the 'gotcha' scene between roy cohn on his deathbed and Ethel's ghost.


Belize's description of heaven to Roy overall

the terror alert color has been raised to my hot-pink Manolo Blahniks


Part one- The dual hallucination/dream with Prior and Harper.

Part two- the funeral, I love playing it slow and finding all the celebrity impersonators, some of them are amazing. I love Prior's line about the professional Sicilian mourners.



In Part 1, My favorite scene was Harper/Prior Fantasy Scene.

In Part 2, Must be the scene where Prior meets Joe.

I have many other scenes that i loved, but overall i thought the movie was weird, because the subject matter was serious, but there was so much fantasy elements in it, that made it weird. But some of the dialoge was great, i loved the scenes where prior acts crazy and paranoid, i like scenes with harper and Mr. Lies. I liked the ethel rosenburg and hannah when she meets prior and the homeless woman. I liked Joe when he confronts his wife about her pills and when she confronts him about his sexual prevences. The only character i really didn't like was Prior's boyfriend who leaves him, because i thought he was such a coward and i would hate if someone leaves me if i was sick. I also liked Roy and when he tells his doctor about him being a homosexual. Overall, it was a weird movie, but great writing.
