MovieChat Forums > Mystery Men (1999) Discussion > Why am I the only person who likes this?

Why am I the only person who likes this?

Does anyone else have this problem?
I think this movie is funny, witty & very creative (though woul love to read the comics for comparison) but everyone I know who has seen it has been well... terribly strident in there dislike

"I believe God created me in one day"
Tell him to put you back in cause you aint done yet!


5.8 Stars?! What the hell is wrong with those people?!! This is one of the funniest movies ever and it's just got 5.8 Freakin' Stars?!

I guess those are the same people who don't find Mystery Science Theater 3000 entertaining and waste their time watching network vomit like American Idol and Deal or No Deal...

Do us all a favor and quit voting against the movies I like, dammit!! :o)

Don't ask me what I think of you,
I might not give the answer that you want me to.
- Fleetwood Mac, "Oh Well"


I don't understand why Mystery Men doesn't have a higher rating, and isn't more respected. It is one of the funniest movies I've seen, great cast, story, and special effects.


Same here. I have loved this movie since I first saw it and I just can't understand why it isn't considered a classic. Amazing cast, endlessly quotable lines, good story, great characters, I could just go on all day. WAY ahead of it's time.


I agree, this movie is totally underrated! Its so damn cheeky and the context of the humor is fantastic! Me and my sister quote this movie ALL the time!

I was never the girl next door. - Bettie Page


I thought it was funny as heck.


The movie is even funnier now, what with Hollywood being overrun with Superhero movies.


COMPLETLELY Agree! I watch this at LEAST once a year. I laugh out loud every time, even at the jokes that have grown classic and old. My wife completely does not understand, making William H. Macy's line even better!!

"Lucille, God gave me a gift. I shovel well. I shovel VERY well."


you're not alone...I always liked this movie

"Do, or do not....there is no try."


I love this movie, one of my favorites.


I don't give a damn what anybody says about this movie, it will always be one of my favorite films. LOVE it


I never saw this whole movie but recall catching the end on cable and thinking it was alright.At the time the concept seemed good but the trailers looked weak and made me not want to see it.Something about it always seemed cheesy and kept me from watching it.Zoolander is the *beep* so I might have to go back and give this a try.You all make me want to watch it.


You're definitely not the only one who loved this movie! My experience is that it's a "love it or hate it" thing. IMO, the people who love it are unusually intelligent and insightful.:)
