MovieChat Forums > Mystery Men (1999) Discussion > Why am I the only person who likes this?

Why am I the only person who likes this?

Does anyone else have this problem?
I think this movie is funny, witty & very creative (though woul love to read the comics for comparison) but everyone I know who has seen it has been well... terribly strident in there dislike

"I believe God created me in one day"
Tell him to put you back in cause you aint done yet!


i enjoyed it


You are not alone - watched this again at the weekend and agree that this is far more creative and fun than any of the current crop of "superhero" movies. That includes Kick-ass and Super. Such a shame that it isn't appreciated more.


I liked it, it was so bad it was good


It's a great flick ~

"I'm here because I believe in a free Narnia."


Your definitely not. I've seen Mystery Men about 5 times now and I love it! Its the type of movie I watch about once a year and enjoy it each time.

.. I am, in a word, terse.


I love this movie.

"If you doubt your powers, you give power to your doubts!"


You are not the only person that likes Mystery Men. This is a very clever and dryly witty film. There are some bathroom humor jokes that are funny as well. This is a well written film that has funny stuff all the way through it but it is subtle and you have to be paying attention to catch all of the humor because it is not all in your face slapstick. I guess for a 65 million dollar budget, people were expecting more. I really did find myself laughing throughout this film.

"Have a better one"


I loved it also myself, and it was the very 1st dvd I bought when i got my first DVD player. Still love it !


I love this movie and still watch it on a semi annual basis. Your not alone.

"You shady mother *beep*
-"Dirty Money in the Midwest" by Me


I don't have the problem of people who are "strident" in their dislike; but, I don't know too many people who love it. I was onboard when I first saw the trailer and giggled with delight in the theater. For the comics crowd, I think too many insecure comic fans thought it wasn't serious enough and took away from their desire to be seen as serious lovers of great literature (right or wrong). The mainstream probably didn't know what to think.

I had only read a little Bob Burden, so I had a vague acquaintance with his sense of humor; but had no clue about this. It has enough action fun for a superhero story, and enough smart comedy to be a great satire. Most of all, it has a sense of fun that is all too often missing from these things.

Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!
