I know I'm in the minority, but I don't think it was quite abyssmal. The first was certainly the better movie, but part II had some funny lines. In no particular order:
1. K asks J if the 'fold into the steering wheel' guy came standard and J says, 'Came with a black dude but he kept getting pulled over.'
2. The scene with the video rental guy. Esp the bits about how his mom has palsy so her hands shakes a lot so you end of with a lot of cheese and after J and K leave and the guy and girl are getting ready to leave on their vacation and the video rental guy calls for his mom and has a shovel in his hands.
3. When they get their weapons out of the apartment and after they flashy-thing the family, J tells them the kids can stay up late and eat cookies and candy and cake and stuff and closes the door with his foot.
4. A couple scenes with the dog.
As for low points, Zed doing is flip over Laura... too over the top. The scene with. The ending... I don't know what I would have done differently, but I felt zero emotion from anyone other than Tommy Lee Jones and when Tommy Lee Jones is the most emotionally deep character in a film, something is sadly wrong.