funniest scene?

Has to be when Will Smith is fighting the little flying aliens and only has 30 seconds to save the girl.At this point he is threwn into some plastic pipes and it takes him 25 seconds to get out of them.This was the only scene that made me laugh.


True, that was the funiest scene. For some reason the film just didn't gel together as much as the first. I think it had that sequel feel to it where the film-makers were trying too hard to repeat a successful formula.

"I'm funny how? Funny like a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to f**kin' amuse you?"


I thought the movie sucked big time, but I did laugh pretty hard at that scene. Overall it was a HORRIBLE movie, though.



I think the funniest part was at the video guys house when the girl in back states all of a suddon "I want to have your kids".


funniest part is when Zed tells about him and some girl on a beach. Smith's reply: Zed! come on man, damn!


this was funny:

Michael Jackson: "I could be agent M"

"If God is with us, who can be against us"


actually I have two the first is when J is tryin to convince K to come back to MIB and says thats why your wife left you and he belts him.and my second one has to be when jay nerolizes the video guy and his girl and says something like get some contacts cus those joints look like they could pick up cable

you fag you cant take one drag of my blunt you couldnt punch your way out of a wet paper bag with scissors in ya hand bitch the RZA





ALIEN: drop your weapon (deep voice
J : No!

J : I take that back, he look like *beep*


The funniest scenes are these(in no particular order)
When J nerualizes the subway people in the beginning
When J nerualizes the geek and his girlfriend
When J fights the flying aliens


I liked the train station locker dwellers and how they worship K (and J afterwards) like a god. And the whole adult entertainment center they set up in the back of the locker. That was a little more creepy than funny though...


Frank singing along to 'Who let the dogs out'.
Or the post office bit w/ Biz Markie.

Come see the violence inherent in the system. Help, help, I'm being repressed!


I still think when Jeebs gets his head shot off, and it grows back is so funny!


No i think it was, "i can be agent M"


"It grows back?"


I know I'm in the minority, but I don't think it was quite abyssmal. The first was certainly the better movie, but part II had some funny lines. In no particular order:

1. K asks J if the 'fold into the steering wheel' guy came standard and J says, 'Came with a black dude but he kept getting pulled over.'

2. The scene with the video rental guy. Esp the bits about how his mom has palsy so her hands shakes a lot so you end of with a lot of cheese and after J and K leave and the guy and girl are getting ready to leave on their vacation and the video rental guy calls for his mom and has a shovel in his hands.

3. When they get their weapons out of the apartment and after they flashy-thing the family, J tells them the kids can stay up late and eat cookies and candy and cake and stuff and closes the door with his foot.

4. A couple scenes with the dog.

As for low points, Zed doing is flip over Laura... too over the top. The scene with. The ending... I don't know what I would have done differently, but I felt zero emotion from anyone other than Tommy Lee Jones and when Tommy Lee Jones is the most emotionally deep character in a film, something is sadly wrong.


The one that made me laugh the most was when Jeeb had his head blown off by K and then seems surprised when J tells him that it grows back!
Hey, or the one where J shows him the de-neuralizer and gives the tech-speech, followed by K jost asking, 'so, what's that then?' and J deflated mutters that that's the deneuralizer... Hee hee hee

KimotoCat sez Mew!


I'm in the minority right along with cratz2. I thought this movie was very entertaining.

I think the funniest scene is after J and K get "flushed." They resurface in the city and J says to K, "Back in the day, you used to love gettin' flushed. Yeah, every Saturday night you'd be like, 'Flush me, J, flush me,' and I'd be like... 'Naw'." Or something like that. The expression on Will Smith's face is priceless right after he says, "Naw."


I'm with damagedblood on this one. The delivery of that scene is perfect and the look of utter failure that crosses Will Smith's face is friggin' hysterical. Best scene in the movie.


Hmm, funniest part of the film eh?

That would probably be the end when the screen went dark and writing started to appear - yeah, that was pretty funny and probably the best bit too!


Frank the pug singing "I will survive."

Of course, when the best and funniest character was Frank the pug, there's something wrong with the movie ;)


Eh... Neuralizing the train peepz. Made me laugh my ass off.

The de-neuralizer scene with J explaining stuff and K goes "Oh. So what's that?"

The video guy.


the ballchinian alien scene!!


When Serleena eats the rapist and becomes really fat..


I used to not like this movie, but looking back after all these years I've come to love it!

The whole movie was funny, but my favorite part was when J was beat boxing (communicating) with the alien played by Biz Markie.

I also liked that part where the alien tells J to put down his weapon and he's like "NO!".

I also liked the part where Zed is talking to J about the girl on the beach and J is like "C'mon Zed, damn!".

What happened happened and can't happen any other way


Funniest scene is when Larry on the train comes out and sees Jeff and J is like "Yea, Larry need to take his *BEEP* in there." HILARIOUS!

"What is your deapest fear?"- Coach Carter


"liiimbeeer" lmao!

"Like A glove!" -Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls


when the nerd was saying the words with the video and J and K just looked a him with a straight face

Last 3 Movies Seen:

The Dark Knight 10/10
Roscoe Jenkins: 9.7/10
First Sunday: 8.5/10
