After shooting Jeebz head off, J says, "You have your memory! You knew his head would grow back!" And K goes, "... it grows back?"
K's face after Jeebz asks if he has any jewelry on him.
When the little centipede says, "Damn decent of you," after K decides not to squish him.
J's incompetent partner in the beginning.
The crazy people at the post office.
Sirleena hears something at the back door of the pizza parlor. She keeps motioning to Johnny Knoxville to go look into it, but he doesn't pick up on any of her cues. Eventually she yells, "DOOR! SOUND! BACK THERE!" and he finally goes to check it out.
J taking forever to get out of the tubes.
When everyone gives J that little pep talk near the end of the movie after his girl leaves.
"3 years... I promise." - Christopher Johnson
District 10 (2012)