funniest scene?

Has to be when Will Smith is fighting the little flying aliens and only has 30 seconds to save the girl.At this point he is threwn into some plastic pipes and it takes him 25 seconds to get out of them.This was the only scene that made me laugh.


After shooting Jeebz head off, J says, "You have your memory! You knew his head would grow back!" And K goes, "... it grows back?"

K's face after Jeebz asks if he has any jewelry on him.

When the little centipede says, "Damn decent of you," after K decides not to squish him.

J's incompetent partner in the beginning.

The crazy people at the post office.

Sirleena hears something at the back door of the pizza parlor. She keeps motioning to Johnny Knoxville to go look into it, but he doesn't pick up on any of her cues. Eventually she yells, "DOOR! SOUND! BACK THERE!" and he finally goes to check it out.

J taking forever to get out of the tubes.

When everyone gives J that little pep talk near the end of the movie after his girl leaves.

"3 years... I promise." - Christopher Johnson
District 10 (2012)


1. The entire sequence with Jeebs and the deneuralyzer.

2 The sequence with the video store nerd and the girl.

3 That scene when J is trying to get over that bubble wrap stuff during the countdown.
In the commentary, it was stated how good Will's acting was during that scene

Classic stuff.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega




I love the bit with the alien postal workers... Too fun!

And... It's kinda un-PC, but I remember that my friend and I couldn't stop laughing when the guy in the basement offered his mom's toaster pizzas and said that because she has palsy she always shakes on a lot of extra cheese. LOL

And now for something completely different...


"Who Let the Dogs Out?!" -- I laugh everytime.

Agent M -- great stuff.

The whole nerd and girlfriend scene(s).

The worms. Laura: "I've dated worse."

Oh, and a site gag -- Martha Stewart on the screen in the background. Just another celeb alien.


just picked up a 2-dvd collector's edition, $5 at Walmart... fantastic...!

I didn't remember too much from my original viewing.. but my fav is still:

When Will goes to fetch 'K' (Tommy Lee Jones), who is now working at the Post Office... Tommy's deadpan is hilarious.. Will says they used to work together and Tommy says he doesn't recall ever working at funeral party... lol

:-) canuckteach (--:


i hate to say it, but...i cant think of ONE funny part.
MAYBE the ballchinian guy, or Biz Markie in post office...but was it worth the time i wasted on this??? hellllll no.

funniest part was prob when we finally left and said "wow, what the hell were we thinking paying for that?"...."yea, i mean MIB wasnt THAT bad, but now the trilogy is trashed".

Maybe MIB 3 will redeem it a tiny bit.


"Who Let the Dogs Out?!" LMAO that was the funniest scene.


I thought it was when K was getting deneuralized and there is a big fight scene with the Ballchinian! And when J says an alien looks like crap.


AGENT J: "K, he's a Ballchinian" then K, tags him the neck sack!

I watched some of this movie this morning on HBO before I went into work and I'm still laughing over that one. I just start thinking about it and i'm laughing out loud, by myself!

"everything i say, by definition, is a promise." CARMINE SABATINI -(The Freshman)



One I don't believe has been mentioned yet:

Jay trying to figure out what the picture of Kay is pointing to in the Pizza place. From the astronaut, to the pizza boxes, to the cabinet: "Whatever we're looking for must be behind these doors... Anchovy Fillets in Virgin Olive Oil!"

Alice in Wonderland - 2010 Best Art Direction and Best Costume Oscar Winner.



J walking out of the pizzaria and finding Frank barking to "Who Let The Dogs Out."
Laughed out loud.



The scene with Jeebs placing Kay in the deneuralyzer:
Jeebs: Have you removed all your jewelry? Are you allergic to shellfish?
Jeebs: Right then! Smoke'em if you got'em!
