funniest scene?

Has to be when Will Smith is fighting the little flying aliens and only has 30 seconds to save the girl.At this point he is threwn into some plastic pipes and it takes him 25 seconds to get out of them.This was the only scene that made me laugh.



Post office scene or the centipede"Damn decent of you"


i loved the joe swanson (family guy) scream in the beginning, the 3rd eye seemed like a reference to the twilight zone and the store sign seemed to be a reference to the title, i've gotten the impression this airs more often than first and i think there is a third.

breaking my spirit,
i have to leave here,
chilly streets,
mood eerie,
my darlins taken away,
no possibility for me to stay,
after this long trip,
so tired and nothing ive achieved,
but own home breaking my spirit.


"Oh good and gentle townfolk of Locker C18...did I leave anything here?"


J&K go to retrieve weapons from his old apartment. Love that the dad is played by Barry Sonnenfield.
