MovieChat Forums > Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) Discussion > Of the 11 Trek films made,what are your ...

Of the 11 Trek films made,what are your 2 current favorite ones and why?

Of the 11 Star Trek cinema films made so far, what 2 or 3 films,
are your current favorite ones and please separately say why,
for each fave Trek cinema film named (as in for the film's
better script, the acting, direction, FX, or a combo of all of
these or any other factors).



In the future - two means three?



Wrath of Khan
Undiscovered Country
First Contact

Khan is still probably my favourite, and I'm not sure if that will ever change. Undiscovered Country has always been a strangely underrated one in my eyes, and a great sendoff to the original crew. First Contact, for all the time travel shenanigans, is by far the best TNG movie, and my interest with the Borg will keep it cemented as one of my favourites.

2009 and The Motion Picture are very honourable mentions, however. I never understood why TMP is almost universally disliked, or at the very least, dismissed. It's second only to 2001 in the area of cerebral sci-fi being told largely through visuals. 2009 is a whole bunch of fun, but the inner Trekkie in me can't shake the cynicism that it was made for popcorn-shoveling masses, and abandons the intelligence and 'real' sci-fi of Star Trek with really irritating scientific and Trek lore inaccuracies/inconsistencies...BUT absolutely retains the adventure and fun aspect, with a pretty much perfectly cast younger crew.


The last third of 2009, when Kirk finally takes command, felt like a good Star Trek movie to me. Prior to that, its a bit of a mess, as is most of STiD.

Bob the Builder and Hadji walk into a bar...


I've only seen the six TOS films and the latest two. I really do not like abrams trek.

As for the TOS films, I guess I'd have to say my favorite two are Wrath of Khan and The Undiscovered Country. TUC was by far the most well made in every respect and is just a really good movie, and WoK is a straight up classic. For the most part I liked all of them except 5 and they all have merit. Even 5 had some good and really funny bits when it wasn't being cringey and terrible. 3 isn't bad by any means; it just gets lost between Khan, a classic, and TVH, a bizarre film that worked far better than it had any right to. I think the first one really picks up after the first half and is great from then on.


Wrath of Khan, total package for Trek as far as I'm concerned.

Star Trek (2009), Abrams dud a tremendous job on the reboot.

Come at the king, you best not miss.


1. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Mainly for its Cold War allegory, story, and it being the grand finale for the original crew. Plus, I love Chang as a bad guy.

2. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
The humor makes the film a joy to watch and I love the interactions between characters. I also love how 80s culture is portrayed in the movie.

Honorable Mention 3. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
I will admit this is a classic, but I for whatever reason enjoy the other two more. I do like Khan as a villain and enjoy the Moby Dick style story.


1. Wrath of Khan- brilliant visuals, excellent acting, thrilling fast paced and never boring, emotional and intense story, and the best villain of the entire series.

2. The Voyage Home- Loved the atmosphere, and overall a throughly fun experience.

History is written by the victor. History is full of liars.


1. Star Trek: First Contact - best on-screen portrayal of The Borg, fantastic performances from Stewart and Spiner, wonderful storyline and special effects, the Enterprise-E and a most beautiful soundtrack. The only time they managed to get a Next Generation film 100% right.

2. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - great story, dialogue, action sequences, pacing, set designs, special effects, uniforms, performances, directing, villain...You get the point by now. Basically, this is the finest of the TOS movies and can be largely credited with reviving the franchise in the 80s. Nick Meyer did one hell of a job.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country is my third favourite ST movie.
