1. The Motion Picture - I think some of the hate of the movie had to do with original fans building it up in their minds as to what it could be, before it came out. There are a number of reasons I love it. I actually like the much maligned docking bay sequence because I recall when I watched it, I felt so invested in the character of Kirk that I was feeling his awe right along with him. I liked that we get to experience it in real time. I feel like we go on the journey with the characters and don't just see a montage of it. It can be criticized for being a rehash of The Changeling...but in my mind if this is so, it is simply a much better version of it. Also, the sequence on Vulcan is amazing, it never had felt or ever again would feel so alien, and the shots of Spock looking so strange with his hair long gave me chills and still do. I love how the characters are brought back together. To me it is simply the most grandiose yet also most convincing of Trek. It is the most dramatically subtle. When Spock clasps Kirk's hand and says that this simple feeling is beyond V'Ger's comprehension, to me it more eloquently evokes their friendship than the more blunt lines towards the end of TWOK (which I like, don't get me wrong).
2. Voyage Home - which I like for completely opposite reasons. But is there anything else that demonstrates so well how versatile the concept is, that it can carry such a different tone within the same framework? It is a quintessentially eighties movie just like certain aspects of the original show are quintessentially sixties. I went to it five times in the theater.
I appreciate that all the original cast movies allowed the actors to do things with their characters they were unable to do in the original series. I even like Final Frontier, which is the most like an episode of the show - just one of the not very good ones, and it rehashed a lot of them.
3. Into Darkness - I found it surprisingly intelligent yet also completely exciting; it wisely focused primarily on the growing friendship of Kirk and Spock. As important as the concepts were to the show, it absolutely needed the characters for its success, and here they grow into the characters I recognize. One of the things I think is cool about it is ****SPOILERS**** we get to see a version of Trek reality where Khan catches up with his nemesis, because for the purpose of this universe, Khan's archenemy is not Kirk or even Spock, it's Marcus. From that point of view it's quite frightening. We see what could have happened, like one of those old Marvel "What If" comics. I personally like that it evokes moments from the films and the series but then plays with them, changes them around. Nothing is a ripoff, because that would involve bringing in a repeated element with the same result. That doesn't happen. I'm not concerned with connecting all the dots in the new reality as some fans are. I don't mind there being a fresh take on things even if they can't be easily connected with the disturbance that created this different timeline - it partly hinges on how much butterfly effect is in play including all the trips to the more distant past that would have been taken in the future which will now also be affected. It certainly satisfies Gerrold's requirements of a good dramatic episode of the series, and gives the secondary characters things to do that the original performers would have usually only been able to dream of.