MovieChat Forums > Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) Discussion > Of the 11 Trek films made,what are your ...

Of the 11 Trek films made,what are your 2 current favorite ones and why?

Of the 11 Star Trek cinema films made so far, what 2 or 3 films,
are your current favorite ones and please separately say why,
for each fave Trek cinema film named (as in for the film's
better script, the acting, direction, FX, or a combo of all of
these or any other factors).


1) Wrath of Khan because of the total awesomeness that it is
2) Star Trek 2009 because it was fun and reminded me why I loved the TOS characters so much.

But until Trek '09 came out, my second favorite was First Contact followed closely by The Voyage Home and finally The Undiscovered Country. All five are great, in my opinion.


"III The Search For Spock" and
"IV Voyage Home" - which is my favorite by FAR, even though it's the one that's not a proper "sci-fi Trek" movie. I've been watching them countless and countless times on VHS, on TV, on DVD...

'Generations' was an interesting concept, but perhaps not executed to full potential. I didn't really care for ANY of the Next Generation films. The JJ Abrams movie is by far the WORST. Even surpassing "V - The Final Frontier", which is usually labeled as the series stinker.


Star Trek 2009 was a space scifi action movie in Roddenberry Drag. There is nothing star trek about that movie.


WOK and 2009

Honorable mentions


Who says that the 2009 Movie wasn't Trek? You?? Hey it might be a good thing you know? Seeing as how Trek was pretty much in the toilet until a new filmaker came along and breathed some new life into it.


JJA didn't breath new life so much as decide to start ramming his lens flared dick into Star Trek's corpse. Sure it might move around, but it's still dead.

Tucker's Law:


1. Khan it should be every fans favorite , its Badical .

2. Zero fresh , exciting , hip , good chemistry with the actors apart from Sulu ( John Cho was the weak link imho ) . Cant wait for the next installment .

3. Its a tie sorry between ,, Undiscovered Country ( i vote Chang next villian after Khan , or maybe Chang and Khan together , great villians ) and First Contact best of TNG films and a really nicely worked film in general ( altho editing was not as hard as it should of been ) .


1. Wrath of Khan (Excellent movie! Clearly the best of all of them)

2. Star Trek 2009 (Good, but not great)

All the other Star Trek films sucked.




1. The Wrath of Khan
2. The Motion Picture
3. The Voyage Home

Each has its issues, but I enjoy each for what they are (action, scifi, comedy).

The Undiscovered Country just has too many eye rolling moments for me (Uhura having to translate Klingon from a book, Pots and Stoves in the ships galley, Kang spinning while spewing Shakespeare).


1. First Contact - Best of the Next Gen films (the cast I grew up with)
2. Undiscovered Country - Best of the original crew films. It made the Enterprise look the most real and lived in. It was Nicholas Meyer's naval concept at its best, with the best action and political intrigue of all the films.
3. The Motion Picture - I absolutely love the drydock sequence, and all the other lingering shots of the Enterprise that we get. None of the other films feel as grand and epic as the first.
4. Trek 2009 - So much fun, such an incredible cast.

Wrath of Khan is great, but I really don't see why it's so universally hailed as THE best one.


1: Wrath of Khan. Mainly due to Khans eloquent rant about how he is prepared to relentlessly pursue Kirk. Also Kirks rage at being apparantly left for dead by Khan. Plus Khan is the best Star Trek villain.
2: The Voyage Home. Extreamley cheesey film, but I can't help but love it because of Kirks "Double dumb ass" line.
3: First Contact. Of TNG films this was the only one that captured the essence of the original films. Plus it had the Borg.

I was really disappointed by the new Trek film. It just seemed to me that all the best sequences of the film were shown in the theatrical trailer. I just expected something more.



1. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
2. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
3. Star Trek: First Contact
4. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
5. Star Trek Zero
6. Star Trek III: The Search For Spock

The rest are all eh. Nemesis was just banal.


I'm doing a marathon with my son of all the films -- converting him to a Trekkie or Trekker (poor kid, lol) -- and it felt as close to watching them all for the first time again (although Khan I lot count of how many times I've seen it) as I can get. Neat how experiencing it with someone so new to the franchise has that affect. Annnnywaaay ...

#1 : Wrath of Khan -- Why this is not everyone's favorite always baffles me a just a little, as not only is it a great ST movie, it is ONE of the best Sci-Fi movies of all time. (Flawless? No, but neither was Blade Runner and what a mastepiece it is.) But hey, if everybody thought the same thing, what a boring planet this would be, eh?

#2 : Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered County -- Except for the very ending (which seemed a tad hokey and I cringe every time), this was a great ST film with lots of intringue, interesting characters, naval battles, and engaging villain. I was not surprised way-back-when, when I had learned Nick Meyer had directed this one as well.

#2b : Star Trek: First Contact -- Toss up between this one and VI really, with MAYBE just a slight edge to six simply because of the political intrigue plot, whereas FC was more of an action flick. But FC was so well put together, entertaining, and creepy -- I like my Trek to be a little bit creepy, as it seemed they almost always worked into all the TOS movies.

#3 : Star Trek: The Motion Picture -- Admitedly, I have not watched this one in a while, so maybe it has tarnished with age just like Voyage Home (which I contend is worse than ST V ... now that I am approaching middle-age). Great visuals, and the whole VGR concept always intrigued me. More of a hard scienc fiction movie.

(When I was much younger -- teens to young adult -- it probably would have been II, VI, IV, III, I, V.)

I'll post what my son thinks when we get through them all, but right now I think IV is his favorite. He is 12, so I rest my case on IV being one of the worst. :) It's not a horrible movie, it's just not a good ST movie ... it's more of a Space Comedy.


you can tell that most of you people that have replied on here are true trek fans, most if not all have picked wrath of khan as you number 1 and i totally agree to all the points made about it, just the dialogue between shattner and Montalban is awesome they play of each other so dam well.

"He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him! I'll chase him 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round Perdition's flames before I give him up!"


The Wrath of Khan IS what Star Trek is all about.Sit in a darkened room.Turn the lights down,the sound up,sit back and as soon as the eerie soundtrack starts over the Paramount Mountain you're hooked.Every movie since has tried...and failed to match that moment of suspense and expectation.Sheer genius by Director Nicholas Meyer.It is simply the best movie ever made.
