A 4.7? Really people?

This isn't masterpiece by any means, but by God it is a golden example of '80s trash films, specifically of the Cannon era. This film is simply fun with an awesome soundtrack.

For shame, IMDB voters, for shame.


It is truly "over the top!" Robert Loggia chews every piece of scenery there is. And, the goofy score and "rock" (i.e. synthesizer pop) songs don't help anything. I watched this on a night when there was nothing else was on.


at least it's a 5.7 now but Judge Dredd is a 5.5


Because it’s a movie about arm-wrestling, which is easily regarded as junk. (Like arm-wrestling isn’t a skill or talent)

People fail to see the charming father-son narrative.

I would give it a 5.5 or 6.0
