Best/Funniest Lines?

To me, the funniest line was when Bert was yelling at Frank. "You what?? You opened it?! Frank, haven't I always told you to stay away from those barrels?" I like that line because it was like Bert was the parent and Frank the child. Frank did a stupid thing, but I couldn't help admiring his courage towards the end.




it;s all about them preparing to attack the cadaver and Burt is practically hiding behind a stack of shelves yet when they open the door it snubs Frank and Freddie and runs screaming right at Burt... ahhhh, genius.
And Trash saying "I like it. It's a statement" was just... well, I was at the cinema at an all night horror fest and the packed audience brought the house down.
My teenage angst has a body count


"Rabid weasels"


"It's not a bad question, Bert!"



when Casey and chuck all alone at the hideout and the zombies are hitting the doors. Caseys said to him "I never liked you,Chuck" .hahahha Classy.


Tina: Why don't we go to the park?
Scuz: Oh we can't, the cops said they'd shoot us if we go back to the park.
Spider: Yeah, and I ain't in no mood to die tonight.
Trash: I like death.
Chuck: I like death with sex. Casey, do you like sex with death?
Casey: Yeah so *beep* off and die.


Casey: Hey look, it's your friend and mine
Suicide: Hey *beep* you ball buster!

Everyone tries to be something different, but they always end up being the same damn thing.


Oh my godddddd! No one's mentioned Thom Matthews brilliant delivery of:

"(Sensitively) Tina, if you love me you'll let me (into balls-out famished madness) EAT YOUR BRAIIIIIIN!!!!"

As well as "I know you're up there because I can SMELL YOUR BRAIN!!!!"


"If I had ya where I wanted ya, they'd be pumpin your ass full of formaldehyde!"


"Aw, man, Freddy got a job?? What a dick!"



This movie is literally a laugh a damn minute. One of my favorite exchanges:

Suicide: I ain't sittin' here two f&^%in hours!

Chuck: Well we could drive around for a while.

Suicide: I don't got any gas, you wanna buy some gas, idiot??

Pretty much everything Suicide says makes me giggle. :))


That exchange cracks me up, mainly for Mark Venturini's delivery.


I love all Suicide:

While they're at the cemetery.

Suicide: Nobody understands me, you know that. I *beep* bust my balls for you guys, and what do I get? "You're spooky".
Trash: I like it, Spooky!
Suicide: You think this is a uniform? This is a way of life! Man, *beep* YOU! *beep* YOU ALL!
(Trash starts rubbing and dancing on him)
Suicide: Man, what's wrong with you? Show some *beep* respect for the dead! (pushes her off-- hilarious!!)


Scuz: "I like death with sex Casey, how about you? Do you like sex with death?"

Casey: "Yeah, so *beep* off and die!"


I will skin you. I will debone you. I will feed your entrails to our neighbor's Shih Tzu!


Pretty much anything Burt or Ernie say.

"are you high?? are you on PCP??"


One of my favorites is with Frank and Freddy saying,
"Watch you're mouth if you like this job!" "Like this



Spider: "You see his FACE?! It-he-w-..Freddie's face was all F_CKED UP! Man, he-he" (continues stammering and freaking out)

(Ernie slaps him around)

(Spider cries out again...Ernie slaps him more)

Ernie: "That was NOT Freddie".


That scene was both funny and deeply sad at the same time.

But then when the tied up corpse starts yelling "brain brain braiiinns!!" and Spider wants to stab it's head "make it shut up make it shut up!" I can't help but start laughing.


^This, lol

I also like when Burt, Ernie, and Spider are talking about how to kill all the zombies, Burt mentions that the only way to defeat them is to burn them to ashes and Ernies replies, "How are you gonna BURN all those things?!" and Spider butts in, "There's a hundred of those ****ers!"

