Spider: "You see his FACE?! It-he-w-..Freddie's face was all F_CKED UP! Man, he-he" (continues stammering and freaking out)
(Ernie slaps him around)
(Spider cries out again...Ernie slaps him more)
Ernie: "That was NOT Freddie".
That scene was both funny and deeply sad at the same time.
But then when the tied up corpse starts yelling "brain brain braiiinns!!" and Spider wants to stab it's head "make it shut up make it shut up!" I can't help but start laughing.
^This, lol
I also like when Burt, Ernie, and Spider are talking about how to kill all the zombies, Burt mentions that the only way to defeat them is to burn them to ashes and Ernies replies, "How are you gonna BURN all those things?!" and Spider butts in, "There's a hundred of those ****ers!"