Best/Funniest Lines?

To me, the funniest line was when Bert was yelling at Frank. "You what?? You opened it?! Frank, haven't I always told you to stay away from those barrels?" I like that line because it was like Bert was the parent and Frank the child. Frank did a stupid thing, but I couldn't help admiring his courage towards the end.



Col.'s wife - "how was your day, Dear?"
Col. Glover - "the usual.....crap"


Pretty much 99% of the lines and reactions from Frank.

Also, said by one of the punks to Freddie:

"Y-You're DEAD! You're dead and you're gonna turn into one of those THINGS OUT THERE!!!"

And, Spider and Ernie, after Freddie's transformation:

Spider: "You see his FACE?! It-he-w-..Freddie's face was all F_CKED UP! Man, he-he" (continues stammering and freaking out)

(Ernie slaps him around)

(Spider cries out again...Ernie slaps him more)

Ernie: "That was NOT Freddie".

"My-(bite)-power is so discombobulatingly devastating..." : )


Spider: "You see his FACE?! It-he-w-..Freddie's face was all F_CKED UP! Man, he-he" (continues stammering and freaking out)

(Ernie slaps him around)

(Spider cries out again...Ernie slaps him more)

Ernie: "That was NOT Freddie".

That scene was both funny and deeply sad at the same time.

But then when the tied up corpse starts yelling "brain brain braiiinns!!" and Spider wants to stab it's head "make it shut up make it shut up!" I can't help but start laughing.

Another great line is when Spider says to Burt: "you stupid honkey!"



"I hit the f_cking brain, Freddy!" - Burt

"I'll bust it in the damn head!" - Spider

All Glory to the Hypnotoad


I have two lines that absolutely KILL me whenever I hear them. The first one is in the very beginning when Frank, Freddy, and Bert are together and before Bert leaves he says to Freddy "And kid, remember. No matter what happens...don't name it after me!" The second is when the punks pull into the parking lot and one of them says "What an ugly place" to which Trash replies "I like it. It's a statement." Perfectly sums up the trashy way of life.

I have come here today, to chew bubblegum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.



That awesome zombie who says " Send... more... paramedics. "

If you dance with the devil, the devil don't change. The devil changes you.



"Christ Ethel, I don't know!"

"Come on, you stupid honky!"

"I hit the f@cking brain!"

"Are you crazy?? Are you on PCP!?!"

Sid woz ere


Spider yelling "Yeeaaahhhhhh!!!" While Trash is dancing. Always gets me


There were so many laughs in this movie!! LMAO!!! I loved it when Bert gave his employee the ax and said "here, you stand here and brain him when he comes out" and then the zombie went after the boss hiding in between the racks of bodies instead!!! LMAO!!!! And the scene where Freddie is cussing and the other guy says "You better watch your tongue boy if you like this job!" and Freddie cries back "Like my job!" LMAO!! I bet the film makers were laughing their butts off too!!!

Gotta give the director credit where credit is due - watching his interview on the DVD he states it was a homage to George Romero and I think he did a fantastic job!

Theystillcallmebee (My fave actress is Doris even to this Day)


One of the funniest movies ever made...seriously!

Best line for me hands down

They have the first zombie on the floor and the one guy is gonna brain it with the pick axe...

"you gotta hit em in the brain"

"I hit em in the *beep* brain!!!"

Best scene is when they let tarman come through from the basement and the one guy knocks his head clean off with a baseball bat.

omg...I'm laughing right now typing this out


''You mean the movie lied''

