Does God Exist?
Does God Exist? I think he does, maybe. Any thoughts?
shareAny god exists only as a fabricated crutch for those who are weak, frightened, and childish.
Oh, and as a creation of the deranged. Let's not forget those multitudes.
It's all a matter of personal belief. Some will say He does. Others will say He doesn't. If He does, then the question will be extremely important after we die. If He doesn't, then it won't be.
shareThe question asks, "Does God Exist". Note "exist". It's not asking "Do you believe in God?" so it is not a matter of personal belief.
Simply believing in something does not mean it exists physically in this universe otherwise I'd be throwing all my belief efforts into believing there's a flotilla of lingerie models in my bed right now.
It matters very much whether or not someone believes in God because that belief or lack thereof will go a great way toward determinging his views on many things. It is impossible to prove God exists; that's why I gave no definitive answer and essentially said each person needs to determine that for himself. Do you believe in God? Fine. Do you not believe in Him? Equally fine. By definition, God is an intangible, so the only way to answer that question this side of eternity is through faith.
shareIf he/she/it exists, has having really a lot of fun with us...
I'm Winston Wolf, I solve problems
And no dream is ever... just a dream...
There is no real proof one way or the other. It is up to each person to decide for themselves and in turn keep there opinions and beliefs to themselves. The militant/aggressive atheist (Dawkins) is as harmful as the worst of religious preacher: as in the same way the preacher imposes their beliefs the fanatical atheist imposes theirs. Which this message board acts as a magnificent example of.
Personally however hope there is a god, mainly to piss of my atheist friends though.
I like Jesus but he loves it's awkward
Norman_the_spirit_turtle on Tue Nov 9 2010 14:17:06
(Dawkins) is as harmful as the worst of religious preacher.
one tries to impose their view by claiming the unproven as fact. The other asks you to wake up and smell the coffee by pointing out the discrepancies. How is that harmful?
Anyone who still has faith in humanity has never been to the imdb boards.
It might be, that some form of intelligent entity has created the universe, but I doubt that they are aware of humans and earth. And if they were to be aware of us, I doubt they are interested in guiding our lifes, the same way we dont care much for ants.
George Carlin on Religion is very enlightening!!!!
Anyone who still has faith in humanity has never been to the imdb boards.
I assume you are referencing the christian god, but may i remind you there are thousands of religions to choose from, major, obscure, forgotten.
anyway, god is an unfalsifiable hypothesis, but so is the idea that everyone except yourself does not exist, and it's all a dream...