Does God Exist?
Does God Exist? I think he does, maybe. Any thoughts?
shareHere is a very relevant link ...
Click on the QuickTime screen to begin the video. Then, weigh the evidence, and decide for yourself.
yes, i believe God exists.
Yes, i'm right here.
"I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger." The Joker
Interesting thread.
Someone wrote:
And if you doubt this analysis, consider the immensity and wonder of the universe.
Which reminded me of:
The heavens declare the glory of the Lord, and the firmament showeth His handiwork.
And that's pretty much where the buck stops for me. Creation demands a Creator, and I don't believe that the complexity of creation is some sort of happy cosmic accident. Therefore, I believe God exists.
As for the dreadful things people do to each other (the Holocaust, etc.), it is my opinion that God gave men free will, and what we do with it is up to us (and on our heads).
Let us not forget that the 9/11 terrorists were chanting "Allah akbar" (God is great) as they crashed the planes.
Man is the problem here, not God.
Creation demands a Creator, and I don't believe that the complexity of creation is some sort of happy cosmic accident. Therefore, I believe God exists.
"Does God Exist?"
I believe so, yes. But that's really a question you can only answer for yourself.
As for the dreadful things people do to each other (the Holocaust, etc.), it is my opinion that God gave men free will, and what we do with it is up to us (and on our heads).
Let us not forget that the 9/11 terrorists were chanting "Allah akbar" (God is great) as they crashed the planes.
Man is the problem here, not God.
I don't know if god exist, and I don't care. If people say: "The universe is so complex, there must be a creator behind it all!", what difference does it make to them? It only raises more questions. Who created the creator, is there a god of creators? If your answer is: the creator(god) was not created, it simply exist, well, the same can be said about our universe.
shareCan I ask a very serious question to all Christians here, and to a lesser extent Jews as well ( anyone who often reads the Old Testament).
I'm a full-on atheist, always will be.
But you know: the flooding of the world saving Noah's family, and the Brimstone hailed upon Sodom and Gomorrah whilst he saved Lot's family, when and why did he stop intervening?
Why didn't he think, this guy Hitler seems to be up no good, or these two planes aren't going to land safely at all? How does the scripture explain the lack of involvement that he clearly is capable of?
Also, why no angels anymore. He used to love having them come down telling people don't burn your son, he was joking.
If he does exist, he doesnt give a flying f about humanity.
shareGod does exist. The whole confusion comes from the fact that no one seems to know what or who God is
lets not be silly about it
just give it up and evolve
i believe ill get a million dollars one day
now that ive written it, will it be true?
this makes me sad
Of course I do. What the hell...