Does God Exist?
Does God Exist? I think he does, maybe. Any thoughts?
shareYahweh, i.e. God, certainly does not. When it comes to some type of Deistic creator thingy, why who knows? Anything is possible.
What do you mean with "God"? The protestantic christian god, or the god called allah or some mysterious force or something else?
"I am your god! Hey! HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Nooooooo!"
- Jesus Christ 33 AD
In terms of religion, No
In terms of a higher power or a controlling force, possibly
I only really think about it when me and my buddies are stoned
Last 3 Films -
The Dark Knight - 10/10
WALL-E - 10/10
Hancock - 4/10
If God doesn´t exist, does that mean that the Devil doesn´t either?
And if God exists, is it compulsory that there´s got to be a Devil too?
Cause I thinking that "Good" isn´t really a good if there isn´t "Evil" to counterbalance it.
-- E-music is my lifestyle. Electro is my heartbeat. But film is what I breath! --
The devil was invented because some religous leaders in a weak moment couldn't explain why bad stuff happenes to good people and then it stuck... but really it just *beep* up the whole concept of God. I mean, so now he isn't all powerful? Suddenly people looses there free will, suddenly it isn't their fault that they raped and killed children, noooo it was the devil! And it's sure easier to make war when the people understands the concept of good and evil... Whoever invented the concept of the devil should be resurrected and shot along with the guy who invented god and religion in the first place.
Superman is the way America sees itself, but Batman is the way the world sees America.
-M. Caine
Most assuredly, god does not exist. At least the god of religion, the god taught to children, the god many people worship. It is a measure of mankind's conceit that we invent a deity to comfort us in our mortality. And if you doubt this analysis, consider the imensity and wonder of the universe. And consider how utterly insignificant mankind is within that universe. And how recent in the development of planetary life our existence and belief systems are. To believe that some supreme power capable of existence beyond the understanding of all the sciences cares one jot for the species currently sitting at the top of this planet's food chain beggars belief. There should probably be a comma in there somewhere. Anyway, these are the facts. As someone else on this thread has said, life is for living. Make the most of it. But don't expect more, because there isn't any. This is it. And it is wonderful. We don't need god any more. Let's grow up and accept the reality that's staring us all in the face. We'll all be far better for it.
shareYes he does
When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.
1.In the beginning Man created God;and in the image of Man created he him.
2.And Man gave God a multitude of names,that he might be Lord over all the Earth when it was suited to Man.
3.And on the seven millionth day Man rested and lean heavily on his God and saw that it was good.
4.And Man formed Aqualung of the dust of the ground,and a host of others likened unto his kind.
5.And these lesser men Man did cast into the void.And some were burned;and some where put apart from their kind.
6.And Man became the God that he created and with his miracles did rule over all the earth.
7.But as these things did come to pass,the Spirit that did cause Man to create his
God lived on within all Men;even within Aqualung.
8.And Man saw it not.
9.But for Christ's sake he'd better start looking.
Ian Anderson,from Jethro Tull's album Aqualung.Not lyrics,a text in the booklet.
Maybe one of the best(if not the best)opinions about God and his relationship with
us.Poetry is a much better way to express your view on these subjects not philosophy.But of course we aren't all so talented.Check also the lyrics of these songs from the same album(about God and about the organized religion:Wind-Up,My God,Hymn 43,Slipstream.
I believe that I personally could never express my opinions this way,so I prefer to write this and also propose u to hear these songs.Music an lyrics is a much better way to understand I think.And movies too.
(Hope you'll understand the Aqualung part).
can't say I understood the aqualung reference warrel, bit of googling and the album sounds smart. But I can't empathise with a discussion about man's relationship with god or the role of organised religion. In my life time I've concluded beyond reasonable doubt that god is a man made construct and has no basis in reality. I'm happy to be challenged on the premise, and unlike most believers I like to think I'd be pursuaded by evidence. But as far as I can see, there is none, nor is there any need. It's quite liberating really.
shareI'm happy to be challenged on the premise, and unlike most believers I like to think I'd be pursuaded by evidence. But as far as I can see, there is none, nor is there any need. It's quite liberating really.I'm a believer and you're right. There is no irrefutable evidence in favor of or against God so your "conclusion" is just like mine: a belief/opinion. To me, thinking that God isn't real would be very depressing. Definitely not liberating. My understanding of the freedom in Christ on the other hand, is very liberating :)
"We must make an idol of our fear, and call it god." In my mind there is no doubt about the things that i am about to say, but it's just m opinion and I don't claim ultimate truth or... stuff like that. But i agree with this quote from The Seventh Seal, man has obviously created God because of fear.. which i can understand, personally I can't get my head around life and i fear death, but i know that there is nothing more, however much I'd like there to be. Humans put too much importance on ourselves. To understand better, we must think of ourselves as any other animal, only more intelligent, which is all we are. And that extra bit of brain powwer is our biggest curse, because it makes us want more from life than what is given. So people Dismiss this and say 'NO, THERE IS MORE, AND HIS NAME IS GOD! AND HE WILL TAKE US TO HEAVEN SO I DON'T NEED TO BE AFRAID ANYMORE. I mean, take Scientology for example... Most people think that is utter bull, yes? well, I think it's almost as ridiculous as nearly any other religion. Although i admit i don't know the ins and outs.. To me, any Intelligent, informed person believing in God is like lying to yourself to be happy. Not always a bad thing.. the other option is insanity. *laughs crazily and runs off, naked* But anyway, if you want to be blissfully happy and safe in the knowledge that you'll live forever in heaven (totally ridiculous in these modern times- if it was true, we'd ALL be going to hell..but no, people pick and choose what they want to believe, so have somehow come to the conclusion that they believe in the bible...except that bit about sinning making you go to hell)then by all means, keep your faith. But if you want to think for yourselves then...think about it. (sorry for ranting and quite probably offending people.. been thinking about this kind of stuff for a while though.)
But, Mrs. Mulwray, I goddamn near lost my nose! And I like it! I like breathing through it!
very well put joe. keep your faith but don't preach, and neither will I.
If mankind stopped indoctrinating young children with their own religious beliefs I think the whole thing would die out in a couple of generations. Maybe then we can all just get along.
That's pretty much what I think too. Not that i have anything against religious people, in a way i suppose they're better off but it's hard to understand how they can possibly keep believing in today's world, and it annoys me when people have such blind faith that they dismiss the facts and say things like 'the lord will provide'.
If something good happens to a good person, its God rewarding them. If something bad happens to a good person, it's God testing them. If something good happens to a BAD person... well, God has a reason for everything...
But, Mrs. Mulwray, I goddamn near lost my nose! And I like it! I like breathing through it!
God is a mind control device, ingenious one also for it's success. All religions are mind control devices for the weak minded simple people, which by definition, are the majority of the human population. Also, religion is a nice reason and inspiration to kill people and go on war. You know: "god is always on our side and NOT on the enemy's"; "Those infidels, they need to die"; "Burn the witches, for adultery with the Devil himself". Christians, Muslims... same *beep* in different words. Much like the soap operas on TV, yeah, very similar, minus the realism, of course.
However, Gods and stuff looks fine on film, i must give them that. But not the Christian mythology, unless you are grandmother/grandfather. Greek mythology is much better suited for the silver screen, for it has much more drama in it, it's more dynamic, Gods walk amongst mere humans and love simple earth human females, all the intrigues...
I regret living in such times, where religion still holds power, not as much as in the past, but holds significant amount of idiots. What a shame, future civilizations will laugh at me and my lifetime... given that people evolve, ALREADY. This religious bull *beep* dates back to the cavemen, who painted pictures of fantastic beings, which scientists ONLY_PRESUME that cavemen were under influence of some kind of opiates and worshiped, this is in the most celebrated archaeological books - you must read them - you will find how really humans came to be on this planet.
Unfortunately, any religious types who happen to read these posts will dissmiss us as being 'messengers of the devil spreading lies!' or some similar tripe. Still, can't blame them for wanting a bit of ignorant bliss... wouldn't mind some myself.
I actually watched The Bucket List yesterday (liked it more than i expected, though it wasn't great... too conventional and Hollywoody..) and something Jack Nicholson says sums it up quite well (I'm paraphrasing)
'I really do envey those who have faith. I just can't get my head around it.'
Personally, i really can't get my head around how people can possibly still believe in God.
'If you can't bring yourself to make that leap of faith then, well...I pity you'
'Don't, I pity YOU mom' - The Simpsons
(that episode when Lisa finds the 'angel'- shows the conflicts between Lisa's common sense and intelligence and the majority's stupidity, blind beliefs and endless contradictions.)
So the moral of that is... everyone is too stubborn to change their beliefs, so we all go around pitying or hating each other. Sounds about right...
I can hear you now: "Get out of my life, you perfectly wonderful woman!"
Why dont you wait and see until you die?
-Spoilers-(Dont read if you are not dead yet)
Nothing exists, you will not be held responsible for your actions while you were living,
Plain space.
Whatever might God be, we can and will never understand His nature. Just compare the ourselves and size of our planet, and then this planet to the whole Universe. And compare those 80 years that we are expected to live and billions of years that Universe is already old (not to mention all those billions waiting ahead.) And if God created this Universe, who are we to ever understand anything about Him and His nature and being?
But most people don't care for that. They took the extremely simplified and obviously wrong image and preserve it as absolute truth. What's worse, without any wish to see, they fight each other for so small differences in their pictures which are all equally far from reality. Finally they abuse the very idea, the very concept of God doing crimes in the name of the One that is supposed to be Good itself (whatever this Good might be - unable to understand the being of God we are unable to understand any terms related to Him).
We have less chance to understand God than Salmonella has chance to understand Solar system. That, however, doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. Solar system seems to be quite real, doesn't it?
przgzr excellent observation.
shareI think the question we should be asking here, and far more relevant for the movie this topic is about (The Seventh Seal, by Ingmar Bergman, in case you´ve forgotten) is: WHAT is God?
I´ve read all the posts and answered to this topic twice, but I can´t see how we can go anywhere with it before we figure out this one question.
So, I ask you, WHAT IS GOD?
-- E-music is my lifestyle. Electro is my heartbeat. But film is what I breath! --
I like the way you think! Reading everyone's answers made me want to say "no" but only because of the question. I have been seeking for an answer for many years, and I think that god is energy. I see a "ribbon" of energy that runs through everything...and that is as far as I have gotten in my quest.
Human Rights: Know them, demand them, defend them.