Does God Exist?
Does God Exist? I think he does, maybe. Any thoughts?
What people have done since the beginning of humanity and continue to do so in " the name of God" makes it a double NO!!
I did appreciate the subject matter in the film.
As existing you mean like the rest of us? NO! There is no god, gods, GOD that exists the same way we do because that would be us being able to define God; which would place us on equal status to God who cannot be defined, even the "God" word is a defined one. It still lacks the ability to truly explain what God is, will be, was before.
If a thorn pricks me and I bleed, do I demand justice because someone allowed the flower to grow and have a thorn that pricks me? No, the same goes with issues of morality and righteousness. What we consider to be moral and ethical, righteous, true, would probably be evil, cruel to a truly benevolent Creator. If you have supreme powers that cannot be explained and yet that one entity can explain them, but we WOULD be unable to? That is like a fly getting upset at being smacked around for being what it is, a piece of *beep* loving bug that likes crap. It is ABOVE all understanding to try and claim moral superiority to a possible Creator, due to the fact we could all be insects compared to it, and our desire for morals/ethics is like a fly's desire for *beep* when compared to God.
As a Satanist I cannot answer without bias.
But it seems to me that by studying world cultures you will come to the conclusion that humans create their own gods. A god looks exactly in the image of their creator.
Use the Force.
I consider myself a Catholic; although, I don't attend church anymore. Well, I do believe God exists. Now, I don't think it's anything anyone can tell you or can be written down, but I do believe there is something after death.
Life is just too ordered for it to all be some random event. Everything goes towards chaos if you are to believe the second law of entropy.
"Does God exist?" Any answer to this is just going to be criticized, no matter what, so my personal opinion, regardless of other opinions, are the following theories:
1) God used to exist, however, once Man created the nuclear weapon and made enough of them to destroy the world many times over, God no longer held the reins.
2) God and "gods" exist as human creations, designed to explain the inexplicable, such as infinity, creation, birth and death.
3) God exists as a belief, simply because humans are too terrified not to believe.
"Everyone is entitled to my own opinion."