You are SERIOUSLY kidding, right??? Replace Titanic with THIS? REALLY?
Well, since I am one of the 5 people in the world who never saw Titanic, I guess that's OK.
But only for now until someday I might ever see that movie.
Lucky to have caught this one on TCM, some months ago.
The AFI has an F in it for a reason. I'll just say that. They don't know crap about a good flick if even someone hit their faces hard with the film reels.
I guess if this film got Nationally Film Preserved, it should be good enough for some Academy Awards and to be put into the AFI Top 100. But I dunno about that Top 250 of imdb. That's a pretty rarified list. Might have to think about that some. Besides, them Star Wars fans are pretty nasty about having their films kicked off that list by some old B/W stuff.