MovieChat Forums > Lana Wachowski Discussion > Looks better as a woman than his brother...

Looks better as a woman than his brother?

or is lilly cuter?


hes been taking estrogen for a lot longer


Lana actually looks like a woman, at least in some pictures.


Yeap, he could pass for a woman without problems, even for a pretty one. His brother... I'm afraid, not so much.


lol the dude on the left looks repulsed having to be so close to a mentally ill freak.


The dude on the left had his own transition about a year later and is now her sister.


She IS a woman


Of course. She's obviously a 18 years old Asian woman.


I think you are wasting your breath.


No, I'm stating a fact. She's a woman.


I agree with you 100%. Both her and her sister. I was just referring to the many on this board who do not see it that way and seem to not want to listen to reason, or science.


Science, yeah right.


this board who do not see it that way and seem to not want to listen science



I am the King of California! This is science! Do not deny reason!


Hi, I'm still trying to understand the trans issues which face society today, especially after the NCAA swimming competitions and the "Women of the Year" issue by 'TIME'.

I've heard people say it's backed by science that a person can be the opposite sex, literally. Can you explain what the science is in regards to transitioning? Or valid/authoritative website which explains said science?

Thank you!




She's very feminine, but that doesn't change anything on the biological front.

Failing to identify with XY chromosomes doesn't make them go away.


yeah she is a woman, that's why she doesn't get her period and no ovaries and can't get children. Clearly a woman.


she has breasts


So does John Goodman. He's still a dude.


if he put on a wig he'd be a woman


I have niples greg, can you milk me?



You don't know what a fact is. He is not a woman - that's a fact.


In fact, you are not stating a fact. The fact is that he is a man. The fantasy is that he is a woman.


I am stating a fact. You are stating outdated science


Yes, why should we look at science, when all that matters is how he feels!
You lefties claim you're all about science when it comes to climate change, but when it comes to in utero babies feeling pain and the biology of sex, science is your enemy.


"I am stating a fact."

No, you're not. The only fact one can state is that Lana Wachowski is a man who wants to be a woman.


There is a large posse of openly bigoted people in this website. They congregate here because they'd get banned quickly in pretty much any mainstream forum

At first I was baffled that they never got tired of having the same arguments over and over. But now I realize that it's because that is what they come here for. The amount of in-depth film discussion that they engage in PALES in comparison to the number of times they rag on and on about minorities or women or LGBTQ or whatever the fuck


Not accepting someone's delusions does not make one bigoted.


Yes it does. Bigot! Hey everybody, look at this BIGOT! He's a bigot!!! Bigot, everyone! A bigot! Check out this FUCKING BIGOOOOT!!!


Oh cool, you can make words and phrases completely meaningless. Kind of like you've made gender completely meaningless. Want a cookie?

Oh BTW, did I tell you that I'm black? I just decided that right now, at this very moment. I'm going to start putting brown makeup on as well, to match how I feel inside. Feelings override physical reality, so I'm assuming you have no problem with that.

Oh BTW, I'm a woman as well. Just decided that at this very moment. I'm a black woman. This is how I feel, therefore it is true. Be careful how you talk to an oppressed minority.


I do want a cookie. Give me a cookie. Hey everyone, this guy has cookies! HE. HAS. COOKIES!!!


"this guy"?!? BIGOT


He's a dude that calls himself a woman. There is a difference.


What word/language would you use to ask the same question, but with validating language?


If he is exhumed a hundred years from now, his remains will be identified as a man.


LOL skeletons don't have vaginas or boobs RETARD! LMAO


Males have different pelvic bones


I think


You are correct. They identify the sex by the differences in bone structure

I was making a joke lampooning how reductionist anti-trans people can be in how they view the argument. Liberals or left-wingers or whatever you wanna call people who support the trans community are obviously aware that you are born with a certain sex, male or female. That is where the argument stops for certain anti-trans people, but it misses the point of what pro-trans people are actually saying

That there are artificial elements to what we have culturally associated with being male or being female, and these elements do not need to be imposed on people. A caveperson could be born with a penis or a vagina, but they wouldn't have any strong concept of what being a "man" or a "woman" is. Certainly they would not be oblivious to the fact that there are certain obvious differences, but would they feel the need to enforce how a vagina-having person dresses (we'd assume they'd all be wearing fucking mammoth fur to not die of the cold) or how long they keep their hair, etc.

The cultural concept of being a "man" or a "woman" has elements which are wholly arbitrary in fact, but we force them on people who don't feel the least bit comfortable with these concepts. That is the idea behind supporting trans people. I, as a man, have no problem dressing or presenting the way any stereotypical man does. But who am I to tell any person that in this bullshit arbitrary world that we were born into that they should feel less than just because they don't feel as comfortable as I do?

And we do not need to impose the idea that they must be delusional or mentally ill. Mental illness itself, what it means and how it should be defined, is still up for debate in psychological and psychiatric circles. So how can we confidently say that ALL trans people MUST be mentally ill. It's abusive


They do if they're flash frozen in the arctic!


lol ur the stupid one skeletons are just fucking bones dumbass!


Says the illiterate retard.


she/he didnt marry another He , wonder why....LOL!!!!!!!!


His brother is way too big to be a woman.


What is too big to be a woman?


too broad-shouldered, too square of a figure, too big of a jaw


There are woman who have those features. Who are you to say what is or isn't too much to be female or male?


just look at him lol


Again, who are you to say what is too big and broad for a woman? I'm not even just talking about trans women, who are you to say what is or isn't acceptable for a woman to be? You don't have to find someone attractive. We all have different tastes, but you don't get to define what makes a woman.


wow, i just tried boiling it down into its most simplest of forms...
you can just "tell" by looking at someone... a combination of all their features that your eyes relay to your brain & it works things out & comes to the conclusion that something is just "off"


Don't act so defensive his brother is a dude and look like a dude nobody would believe he born as a woman (neither Larry BTW) only if you want to close your eyes to reality and believe there is not fisical diferences between men a woman

They both are men who looks like men dressing as a woman and if that make them happy good for them but dont act like they look like something they are not


I'm not talking about trans women. If you read my posts I'm talking about a man saying that women with broad shoulders, square figures, and big jaws are too big to be women. Are you saying that you are just fine with referring to a CIS woman with those features as "too big to be a woman"?


Yeah, that's very much it. If you're gonna be happier in the role of a woman, go for it. After all, you're only gonna have one life and you won't get your time back. So better try to live the way that'll make you happy.

BUT... stating that they're real women and that's (ahem) "science"... that's pure insanity.


His brother('s dick) is way too big to be a woman.


her brother looks like a linebacker wearing a wig


lol nailed it dude


I don't know about cuter. Of course they are both women as much as any woman is a woman including JK Rowling because science, but I think when Lilly walks into the ladies room, she might get some side eye. I doubt Lana would attract much attention.


The science you spout is what shows they're men when everything boils down to it's simplest form.
It seems that a lot of people like saying "because, science", while simultaneously not understanding a thing about the science behind it.

You're born XY or XX...because, science.


They look equally ridiculous.


Anyone looks better as a woman than his brother
