MovieChat Forums > einstein

einstein (2588)


Billy Crystals in Celebrity Zillions My IMDB review with the most upvotes has been removed! iF elon finally puts a chip in your brain... Can we remove this guy from the database, he is not even an actor, SPOILERS::::Take this patriarchy!!! PUT A CHICK IN IT! Disney sais this will be THE GAYEST MARVEL SHOW ever! Put a chick in it? First look Looks like her disstrack worked View all posts >


lol good point. Yeah, you get no notification. Also yes of course it was a bit sarcastic but not vulgar or anything against the TOS. Hehe, just fooling around no hard feelings :) Yes and no, I hate Elon, just wanted a bit more spicy response so it fits your child like reply. You know, just adjusting the immaturity to your level. hmmm interesting...this sounds like the thing for you. you seem like a guy who would enjoy it. and right after that you could wacth some diet coke commercials. Joe Rogan is a puppet. IM NOT EVEN LEFT LOL I think it's mostly because he is a retarded monkey? He is also super annoying, cringe and low IQ. 100% agreed this movie will not be about superman dont worry there will be a girlboss, who shows superman what a fragile masculinity is. GIRLBOSS YEAH! View all replies >