MovieChat Forums > Lana Wachowski Discussion > Looks better as a woman than his brother...

Looks better as a woman than his brother?

or is lilly cuter?



Anyone born with XY chromosomes, gonads, and a cock is a dude, regardless of fantasies to the contrary, hormone supplements, surgery, or funny looking wigs. That is science, children. Stop denying it. Those who are afflicted by this "transgender" mental illness need help, not affirmation. Playing along with their delusion will never do them any good.


Cutting off your pecker doesn't make you a woman. It just makes you a man who cut off his pecker.


Noooo , he is brave and admirable! Young people should admire them for this bravery!


Her sister, bro.




Lana Wachowski is a man dressed as woman, his bones have the male phenotype. Meaning : the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment. There is no other characteristic than Lana Wachowski being a man, trying to speak in a higher tone. When Lana Wachowski passes away the skeleton buried will be male. It is a form of mental illness to think anything else.
