You're forgetting that Black people are free from blame, responsibility and/or consequences of their actions (or lack of?) Because of slavery (and shit)
If Beyonce wants to culturally misappropriate...that's fine.
If Beyonce wants to call whites out for cultural misappropriation...that's fine.
It's a double standard that, we once had the right to question...but gave it away (in the name of political correctness) to allow the term 'hate speech' to be twisted beyond all recognition, to fit whatever narrative, Beyonce (or any other POC) feels like embodying that day?
Don't like anything that blacks do?
Tough-shit, you're now a racist.
Let them kill you, rape you, rob you (or even themselves)
Let them burn, loot and trash countries that (in reality) neither wants nor needs them (let alone, forces them to live in)
Question nothing...lest you be deemed racist.
This 'convenient' excuse (and 'shoulder-chip') will stay with blacks throughout time (just don't ever question who actually sold their own into slavery) and be content that multi-millionaires (like Beyonce) are here (making further millions by) lecturing us all on a inequality.
> You're forgetting that Black people are free from blame, responsibility and/or consequences of their actions (or lack of?) Because of slavery (and shit)
And you're what .... remembering that? Your comment is just obnoxious nonsense.
In my childhood, kids would get mad if someone "copied off me". We'd throw a fit at the copiers. Then adults told us that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".
What's with this idiotic "cultural appropriation"? Who copies something if they think it's ugly or stupid? It's flattering.
She may look more white now but she acts way more Black now than she ever used to.
Beyoncé used to sing about silly stuff and never took herself all that seriously, then she met a criminal by the name of Jay Z who told her how great Cuba is and turned her into this sassy black woman who focuses on social issues and takes herself so seriously that she became Queen B and has that angry black woman look carved onto her face.
Like I said, she used to be a humble woman that didn’t take herself seriously and had a more fun personality. Now she is a prudish bitch.
Isn't that just because she became old and disillusioned with what her life ended up being? I mean, she is chained to that ugly man and has to bear his children. Sucks to be her.
OR, hear me out, like most popstars who want mainstream appeal, she was told what to do but found freedom once she got rid of her dad-manager and gained artistic independence when she stopped caring about appealing to white American. But, no. It has to be the "Black criminal husband" fault.
Most of my family and the people I know are Mexicans or Mexican-Americans and I have learned that the Mexican culture can be shockingly racist. The common reference for a black person is "Negrito", which means "Little Blackie".
Also it's funny that they would use the word "Pupusa" as an ethnic slur, because the pupusa is very similar to the Mexican gordita.
Actually here in California the Mexican slang word I encounter most for blacks is "mayate". It's a large black dung beetle.
I learned a very ugly word in college. A denigrating noun that compared a race of people to a large, black beetle, considered a destructive pest in Mexico and South America.
The word is mayate. In Spanish slang, it refers to African Americans, almost an equivalent of the N-word in English. You still hear the epithet on the street today in the mouths of gang members and in prisons, where racial conflict is cultivated in close quarters.
Not sure about all that, but the crap coming from the US for quite some time now is really turning the world against us. Not to mention our behavior in the world that seems to have no rhyme or reason but to take this country down.
My theory, it's not America per se, it is the actions of a global elite that have the power to manipulate the government and corporations of America, or any other country hooked into the global corporate or military networks.
The object is to remove representation of the people by vilifying and removing government and trust in government so that these oligarchs can re-assert control like the aristocrats, kings and emperors of times gone by did in the past.
Don't be so quick to blame Americans, we are the most heavily brainwashed and manipulated people on Earth with very little legal protection.