MovieChat Forums > whynotwriteme

whynotwriteme (7759)


Would Kamala's presidential bid have fared better if she had made these simple changes to her strategy? Was Pacino assumed to be gay in the early part of his career? I am a reader of fantasy and SF, but this dude always gave me the creeps. Has any political plan ever backfired as spectacularly as the #MeToo Movement? I am curious to see what any modern Mormon viewers think of this show. Is she spayed? The most chilling scene ever in a non-horror film. SPOILER ALERT Bob Dylan culturally appropriated the music of rural and Western Americans of Anglo-Saxon descent. How in the world did the Progressive Liberal Movement ever fail? So it looks like assassinations are the Left's new tactic of choice in their "resistance". View all posts >


Alamo Drafthouse should just announce a job fair and replace their terrorist asses. The timing of the movement tells us the ulterior motive was to get Trump. Yes, Neil Gaiman is Jewish, but even though many. many wealthy Jewish men like Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Dustin Hoffman, Jeffrey Tambor, Mark Halperin, Leon Wieseltier, James Toback, Israel Horowitz, Al Franken, James Levine, Jeremy Priven, Woody Allen, Brett Ratner, Michael Oreskes, Bruce Weber, Anthony Weiner and Rabbi Barry Freundel all have been involved with sex crimes, we must remember that the image of wealthy old Jewish men preying on young gentile girls is just a Nazi myth as seen in WW2 era propaganda films, and is not actually happening in reality... Except with all those guys I listed and probably a lot of others. That was more of a warrior prestige thing. The fact is, among many tribes, the scalps of women and children were considered to convey more honor on the taker than those of men. The reason is that you had to get right into the enemies' camp to get the women and kids. The warrior who cut the women's throats would have gotten a lot of glory for that. Maybe not, as he didn't scalp them as "proof" after killing them. Here is a short review of religious practices of the Great Basin tribes, among whom Paiutes were numbered. I am also an old ass dad who likes stuff with lots of violence and gore, and I agree with TandyMan's dad. It's a really good show, and much better than almost any other Western made in the last 10 years. If he lowered his standards a little, he would be having as much sex with women as he wants, and he would be in total control. I was hoping they could give Kamala a host spot to keep her off the streets, now that she's unemployed. Wayne was already 34 when the USA entered WW2, very nearly too old for the draft. He probably would not have gotten a combat role if he had enlisted. Wayne did FAR more for the American war effort with his patriotic propaganda films than he ever would have in the military. I'd say Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Norman Reedus are way more successful. View all replies >